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.9 b3A sol i d way of guardi ng c4.However P.Lukacspre fers to gu ard c4 wi t h his Queen.9 Qd3, Nc6 10 Ng5,Qe8 (A lso possible i s 10.Nb4 though Wh i te seems to endup a l i ttl e bette r after 11 Nxf7, Nxd3 12 Nh6ch, Bxh6 13exd3, Bxc1 14 Raxc1, e6 15 c5) 11 NdS, Nxd5 12 cxd5,Nd8!? (12.Nb4!? 13 Qc4, a5 [ 13.Na6!?) 14 a3, Na6 15 Bd2,.h6 16 Ne6, Bxe6 17 dx e6, c6 18 Bxa5, 1/ 2- 1/ 2 si nce afte r18.d5 Bl ack wi l l wi n the pawn on e6, Lukacs- Esp ig,Leipzig 1986.) 13 Qc4, h6 14 Nf3, b5! ? ( 14.Qd7) 15 Qxc7,Bb7 16 Nd2, Bxd4 17 Nb3, Bg7 18 Qc2, e6 19 Be3, Qf7 20Qd2, g5 21 Rac1? (21 f4!) 21.e5 22 f4, gx f4 23 gx f4, Kh824 fxe5, f4 25 Bd4, Rg8! 26 Bc3 (26 e6? runs i nto 26.Nxe6!whi le 26 exd6?, Qxd5!! is a rather pretty response.) 26.b427 Bxb4, Bxe5 28 Kh1, Ne6 29 Rg1, Ng5 30 Bc3, Nh 3!? 31Bxh3, Bxd5ch 32 Bg2?? (Wh i te can dr aw by 32 Rg2, Rxg233 Bxg2, Bxg2ch 34 Kxg2, Rg8ch 35 Kf2!, Qf 6 36 Ke1,Rg1ch 37 K f2, Rg8 38 Kel.) 32 " " " Rxg2! 33 Rxg2, Rg8 34Bxe5ch, dxe5 35 Rg1, Qb7 36 e4, fxe3 37 Qc2, B f3 38 N cS,Qc6 39 h3, e2 40 Qd2, Rxg2 41 Rxg2, Bxg2ch 42 Kh2, Bf l,0- 1, P.Lukacs- Pyhal a, Espoo 1987.Though thi s may be sati s factory for Bl ack, i t seemsthat he may have an even stronger answer to 9 Qd3 ,namel y 9.h6! 10 b3 (Bl ack has no problems after 10 d5, e511 dxe6, Bxe6 12 c5, N c6 13 cxd6, Rad8 14 Qc2, Rxd6 15Bf4, Rd7 16 Ne5, Nxe5 17 Bxe5, c6 18 Qa4, a6, Kotroni as­Casper, Moscow 1987.) 10.Nc6 1 1 Ba3 (Possi bl e i s 11 Bb2.For example 1l.e5 12 dxe5, dxe5 13 e4, f4 14 Nd5, N bS!15 b4, Bg4 1 6 Rf 1, g5 17 h3, Bx f3 18 Qxf3, Nd4 19 Bxd4,exd4 20 g4, N f6 =+, F.Portisch-Z.Pol gar, 1988) l l.Ne412 Rad 1 (Wh i te cou l d try 12 Nxe4, fxe4 13 Qxe4, Nx d4 14Nxd4, Qxf2ch 15 Kh1 , Qxd4 16 Qxe7, Bf5! 17 e4 [ 17 Qxc7,Be4 i s sati s factory for Bl ack.) 17.Rae8 18 Qxc7, Bx e4 19Bxe4, Rf 1ch! 20 Rxf 1 , Qxe4ch 21 Kg1, Bd4ch 22 Rf2, Rf8though Wh i te woul d not be happy here.) 12.Nxc3 13 Qxc3,f4 14 Qd2, Bg4 15 dS, Ne5 16 Qx f4, Qxf4 17 gx f4, Bxf3 18 176 Dutch DefensefxeS, Bxg2 19 Kxg2, BxeS, Bl ack I S qui te com fortable,Dokoi an-Malaniuk, USSR 1987.Most recentl y Wh i te has deci ded to not guard the c4pawn at all, and i nstead sacri fi ce it fo r the i ni t i at i ve.9NgS!?, Qxc4 10 Bfl.(A cri ti cal posi tion for t he theory of the whol e 7.Qe8Leni ngrad.At the moment there is very l i ttle expe ri encewi th i t, though i t must be a good sign for Bl ack t hat i n there cent game P.Lukacs-P yhal a (gi ven above) Wh i te made apoi nt of avoi di ng t he pawn sacri fi ce whi le Bl ack seemedqui te wi l l i ng to go i nto i t.Anyway the whole t hi ng i s ex­peri mental at the moment, and on l y ti me wi l l tel l i f i t i sreal l y sound for Wh i te to gi ve up thi s pawn.) 10.Qc6.(10.Qb4 ( 10.Kh8!? 1 1 d5, Qc5 12 Be3, Qa5 13 a3, c6 14 b4,Qd8 15 dxc6, N xc6 16 Qb3, Ng4! favored Bl ack in Khuz·man-Malaniuk, Novosibirsk 1986.After 10.Kh8 more cri t­.i cal i s 11 e4!?, Qg8 12 e5 wi th compensati on for t he pawn.]1 1 a3, Qa5 (Stronge r may be 1 l.Qb6!? 12 e4, fxe4 13Bc4ch, Kh8 14 Nf7ch, Rxf7 15 Bx f7, Bg4 wi t h a compl i ­cated game.Anal ysi s by Vi zhmanavi n and Khari tonov.] 12b4, Qb6 13 Qb3ch, d5 14 e4!, fxe4 15 Nxd5, Nxd5 16Qxd5ch, e6 17 Qxe4, Qxd4 18 Ra2, N c6 19 Bc4?! [ Better i s19 Nxe6, Qxe4 20 Rxe4, Bxe6 21 Rxe6, N d4 wi t h a t i nyedge for Wh i te.] 19.Qxe4 20 Rxe4, Nd4! 21 Be3, Nf3ch 22Nxf3, Rxf3 23 Bf4, Rc3!, 1/ 2- 1/ 2, Khuzman- Vyzhmanavin,Novosibirsk 1986.) 1 1 e4 ( 11 Qb3ch!?, d5 12 Bf4 i s anuntri ed suggestion of Neverov.) 1 1.fxe4 12 Bb5, Qb6 13Bc4ch, Kh8 14 Nf7ch, Rxf7 15 Bxf7, Bf5 (I f 15.Bg4 Wh i te Chapter Twelve: Leningrad Variation 177shoul d pl ay 16 Qa4! ( and not 16 Qb3?!, Nc6! when 17Nxe4?, Nxd4 18 Qxb6, axb6 favors Bl ack as does 17 Be3,Nxd4 18 Bxd4, Qxd4 19 Qxb7, R f8.] 16.Nc6 17 Be3 wi th.advant age to Wh ite.For exampl e 17.Qxb2 18 NbS, Qb4 19.Qxb4, Nxb4 20 Nxc7, Rc8 21 Ne6, N c2 22 Rac l.) 16 Be3,c6 ( 16.Nbd7 17 d5, Qa6 18 Be6, Nf8 19 Bx f5, gx f5 20 Bd4l eaves Wh ite wi th an edge.) 17 d5, Qa6 18 Bd4, Nbd7 1 9Be6, Rf8! 20 Bxd7, Bxd7 21 Nxe4, Nxd5 22 Bxg7ch, Kxg723 Nc3!, Neverov-M.Gurevi ch, Baku 1986, and now 23.e524 Nxd5, cx d5 25 Qx dS, Rf6 wi th the i dea of 26.Bc6 gi vesBl ack compensation accordi ng to Gurevi ch.9.Ne4Nc610 Bb210.c5 1 1 Rcl, Nc6 12 e3, h6 13 Rfl, Nxc3 14 Bxc3,e5 15 d5, Ne7 16 e4, f4 is an i nteresting alternati ve.1 1 Rcl11 Qd3 was tri ed i n I.Farago-Z.Polgar, 1988, butBl ack di d very wel l after 1l.Nxc3 12 Qxc3, e5! 13 dxe5,dxe5 14 Ng5, Qf6 15 Bd5ch, Kh8 16 f4, Ne7! 17 e3?, e4! 18Qx f6, Bxf6 19 Bxf6ch, Rx f6 2 0 Rad1, h6! 2 1 Nf7ch, Kg722 Ne5, c6.1 1.h612 Rfl12 d5!?, Nb4 13 Nd4, Nxc3 1 4 Rxc3, Nxa2 15 Re3!leads to i nteresti ng compl i cations.as yet unt ri ed.12.Nxc313 Bxc3 e514 d5 Ne715 Nd2 a5Black had a promising posi ti on in the gameGavri kov-Malaniuk, Kiev 1986. 1 78 Dutch DefenseC38 Nd5One of Wh i te's better pl ans.He i ntends to generateplay by openi ng up the '' c" fi le.By forci ng Bl ack to fighthi m i n the center, Wh i te never gi ves Bl ack the chance tostart hi s usual K- si de counterpl ay.8." Nxd5Bad i s 8.Na6?! 9 Bg5 (9 Nxf6ch, Bxf6 10 Bh6, Bg711 Qd2, c6 12 b4, Nc7 13 Bxg7, Kxg7 14 d5! wi th the i deaof R fe 1 and e4 i s also cl earl y better for Wh i te, Uh l mann­Banas, Stary Smokovec 1985.) 9.c6 10 Nxf6ch, Bxf6 1 1Bh 6 , Bg7 1 2 Bxg7, Kxg7 1 3 Qd2, Qf7 1 4 Racl, Qf6 1 5 d5,c5 16 Rfel, h6 17 e4, fxe4 18 Rxe4, Bf5 19 Re3, Rae8 20Nh4, Nc7 21 Reel, Bc8 22 Rf3, Qg5 23 Qa5, Na6 24 Qc3ch,Rf6 25 Rf4, N c7 26 Nf3, 1-0, Knezevic- Remon, Ha vana1986.9 cx d5 Qb5!Though the annotators te nd to adorn 9.Qb5 wi t han excl amati on poi nt, i t i s by no means cl ear that i t i s re­ally superi or to 9.c6.10 Qb3!?, Kh8 ( 10 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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