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.Lamar Hinton, Bobby Inge, Christine Bergeron and son could not be located; ditto the smut posers--Fisk and Kleckner failed to make them from extensive mugbook prowls.In booth 4: Sharon Kostenza, real name Mary Alice Mertz, a plum off Vincennes' deposition-- the woman who once bailed Bobby Inge out of jail and paid a surety bond for Chris Bergeron.In booth 5: Dr.Terry Lux, his attorney--the great Jerry Geisler.Ray Pinker standing by with counterdope--so far none of the new fish looked drugged.Two officers guarding the squadroom--private interrogations--strict l.A.autonomy.Kleckner and Fisk grilling Mertz and pseudo Ava--armed with deposition copies, smut photos, a case summary.Yorkin, Lux and phony Rita cooling their heels.Ed worked in his office: draft three of Vincennes' script.A thought nagged him: if Lynn Bracken reported to Patchett in full, he would have yanked his people before the police could bring them in--the way Inge, Bergeron and son disappeared immediately pre--Nite Owl.Two possibles on that--she was playing an angle or their rutting had her confused and she was stalling to figure the upshot.Most likely the former--the woman cut her last confused breath at birth.He could still taste her.Ed drew lines on paper.Inez to check Dieterling connections to Patchett and his father--that thought still made him wince.Two l.A.men out looking for White--apprehend the bastard and break him.Billy Dieterling and Timmy Valburn to be questioned--kid gloves, they had prestige, juice.A line to the Hudgens kill and the Hudgens/Patchett "gig"--Vincennes' deposition stated that Hudgens' _Badge of Honor_ files were missing at the time of his death, anomalous, the show was a Hudgens fixation.The _Badge of Honor_ people were alibied for the murder--but another reading of the case file was in order.Half his maze of cases read extortion.Line to an outside issue--Dudley Smith, going crazy for a quick Darktown collar.Line to a rumor: Thad Green was going to take over the U.S.Border Patrol come May.A theoretical line: Parker would choose his new chief of detectives solely on the basis of the Nite Owl case--him or Smith.Dudley might send White back to break his autonomy; criss cross all lines to keep his case sealed.Kleckner walked in."Sir, the Mertz woman won't cooperate.All she'll say is that she lives under that Sharon Kostenza alias and that she makes bail for Patchett's people when they get arrested for outside charges.Nobody's ever been arrested working for him, we know that.She says she can't ID the people in the photos and she's mum on that extortion angle you told me to play up.She deadpanned the Nite Owl--and I believe her.""Release her, I want her to go to Patchett and panic him.What did Duane get off Ava Gardner?"Kleckner passed him a sheet of paper."Lots.Here's the high points, and he's got the actual interview on tape.""Good.You go soften up Yorkin for me.Bring him a beer and baby sit him."Kleckner walked out smiling.Ed read Fisk's memo.Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlWitness Paula Brown 3/25/581.Witness revealed names of numerous P.P.call girl/male prostitute customers (specifics to follow in separate memo & on tape)2.Could not ID people in photos (seems truthful on this)3.Extortion hook got her talkinga.P.P.gave his girls/male prostitutes bonuses to get their customers to reveal intimate details of their livesb.P.P.makes his prosts quit at 30 (apparent bee in his bonnet) c.On in-home prostitution assignments, P.P.had prosts leave doors/windows open so men with cameras could take compromising photos.Prosts also made wax impressions of locks on certain rich casts doorsd.P.P.had famous (T.Lux obviously) plastic surgeon cut male/female prosts to look like movie stars and thus make more $e.Male prosts extorted $ from married homosexual custs & split take with P.P.f.Bored by Nite Owl quests (obviously has no guilty knowledge) Astounding audacious perversion.Ed hit sweatbox row, checked the mirrors.Fisk and phony Ava talking; Kleckner and Yorkin drinking beer.Terry Lux reading a magazine, Jerry Geisler fuming.Lorraine Malvasi alone in a cloud of smoke.Astounding audacious perversion--the woman had Rita Hayworth's face down to the bone, up to the hairdo from _Gilda_.He opened the door [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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