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.And you know I’m bigger, thicker than Gregor—so maybe it’s just as well he’s preparing you tonight.BecauseGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmltomorrow…” he trailed off, knowing she would imagine just what pleasures tomorrow would bring.He thrust himself even deeper into her mouth, making her moan around his shaft at the full sensation.She could feel Gregor stroking inside her darkest, most hidden treasure, causing electric pulses of energy to spiral through her.Amazingly, she could feel her orgasm build.She had a cock in her mouth and two thick, masculine fingers in her ass, and she felt hotter than she had in her entire life.She could feel it build, feel the wash of the power of her orgasm as it steadily grew, larger than anything she had ever previously felt.She must have made some sort of noise to indicate her growing need, for she felt Max twist his body.His thick, long fingers reached down, down, until he could touch her clit.His change in position made his cock thrust deeper down her throat, until she nearly choked, but defying all expectations, she found she needed, even craved the extra penetration he gave to her.With all the black emotions and needs roiling inside her, she knew she needed his possession in her mouth as much, if not more than, she desperately needed his finger stroking her clit to help her get even closer to that shining, shimmering climax on the horizon.She knew all the years of feminine affront, of truly being “one of the boys” and only letting herself be slightly feminine in the sanctity of her own small cabin had let much of her already depleted feminine side simply wash away.By surviving in the purely masculine world of a merc, she had buried the small amounts of her femininity and female desires.Yet right now, with Gregor at her ass, stretching and preparing her for his thick cock, and with the large, utterly loved prick of Max’s thrusting balls deep down her throat, she couldn’t help the spreading warmth of being cherished, of feeling completely feminine from washing over her.Kyli felt more alive, more sexy and desired than she had in all the years of traveling the galaxy.Even her secret “personal care” sessions where she had given herself ripping, screaming orgasms didn’t even scratch the surface of the dark pleasure she derived from this evening.The desires she could feel encompassing her here were dark—dark and forbidden.Two men at once?Who truly could say they had experienced such a thing with no doubts, no recriminations and no jealousy? Particularly two men who were such good friends, her ex-lovers, and now workmates together?Two men who were special to her and who completely understood her sexual desires and cravings.Knowing she was one lucky bitch, Kyli couldn’t help wallowing in the mass of emotions crashing around her.She cherished each and every second she had given to her by these two men.Deep in her heart she knew this was just the one night, the one special, unforgettable night, yet she still couldn’t help hoping it never, ever came to an end.Even so, now she had opened the Pandora’s box of her sexuality and re-found and awakened her long-lost feminine side once again, she didn’t think she could leave it behind, or shut the box again.Once some things were released there truly was no turning back.This obviously had become one of those situations.Kyli smiled secretly, deep inside herself.She wondered if Gregor, or more importantly, Max, knew or understood just what exactly they had released when bringing to life one of her most desired and secretGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlof fantasies.She thought Gregor might have a slight inkling.He had always been uncannily tuned in to her desires and needs, her and every other lover he ever had.The sensual knack he had for reading his lover’s mind held a large part behind his immense reputation and was why he always had women throwing themselves at him.Women talked, boasted, moaned, sighed and generally made drooling idiots of themselves when recounting experiences with Gregor [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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