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."Wecouldn t have found a better hideout.Looks as if we d landed in the middle of the Alps.""In the daytime it will be different," observed Rhodan apprehensively."We have to conceal the Gazelle.An overhanging cliff down in the canyon would be the thing.""Already located one, sir.If Mundi can trust himself to&Lt.Mundi straightened up as though he d just been appointed leader of the band."Trust myself? If I hadto, I could juggle this cookie into a mouse hole without a scratch!"Ras grinned at him."I figured as much.But let s hope you can also do it in the dark!""Easy with the infra-red field, buddy.It wouldn t be good to use the headlights.All you have to do isshow me that place& "Rhodan interrupted."Nobody is doubting your flying capability, Lieutenant.We have to get going andfind that hiding place.We don t know whether or not they fly night patrols that are equipped with infraredsensors.OK, Ras you be the guide."The manoeuvre actually required almost an hour but finally the Gazelle was parked close to the rising cliffwall.Fifty meters overhead the rocks jutted out far enough to block any view from above.Rhodan was weary but there was no time to think about it."Pucky, we re going to pay the city a littlevisit.Because of the danger of being traced we won t keep in touch over radio.If anything happens here,Pucky will know about it.In case of emergency, Lt.Mundi, take off.The Gazelle must be preserved atall costs.Ellert s body is more important than our getting back on schedule.""Yes sir," said Mundi but he obviously had misgivings about Rhodan s final inference.Ras noddedsilently but it was also evident that he was worried.Manoli had just entered the control room."Everything s ready in the clinic.As soon as Ellert s mindcomes back into his body the resuscitation process will start immediately.I believe a blood transfusionwill be necessary& ""We ll talk about that later," interrupted Rhodan.He didn t want to lose a second.He gave the men afew more pieces of advice and then took Pucky s right paw in his hand. The mousebeaver knew his target area but when he jumped he avoided landing directly inside theTribunal building.When Rhodan s eyes again became aware of 3-dimensional space he couldn t makeout much at first.It was dark except for the starlight.To his right, some kind of dark walls loomedupward, blocking out the sky in that direction.To the left there seemed to be nothing obstructing the viewclear to the horizon at least nothing he could make out at the moment."Where are we?""The city is 20 kilometres in front of us," replied Pucky.He appeared to be listening into the darkness."Much fewer thought-waves.The Druufs are sleeping.It s just a blurred confusion.I d like to know whatkind of dreams those hippopotamuses are having but I can t figure it out."Rhodan suppressed a grin."Still no sign of Ellert?""No.You wait here.I ll take a hyjump into the prison and look for the jail cell where he and Onot weresupposed to be.Harno s information wasn t all that accurate.""What do you mean I m supposed to just stand here? What if somebody shows up?"Pucky made a deprecating gesture which Rhodan couldn t see in the dark."Within a 10 kilometre circlehere there s not a sign of life.I ll be back in a few minutes, Besides, I ll keep in telepathic contact so s Ican keep track of you."Rhodan gave his permission with mixed feelings.He realized that it would serve their purpose moreeffectively if the mousebeaver went ahead first by himself to scout the situation."What are those walls cliffs?""Yes, there s a small mountain here.Nobody ll find you as long as it s dark.Why don t you stay closeto the rocks and the cliff?"It was not entirely pitch dark yet Pucky s sudden disappearance was felt more than seen.Rhodan feltthe faint suction of the swirling implosion of air as his small companion dematerialised.The mousebeaver had aligned his jump so that he rematerialised on the outskirts of the city.From thispoint onward he could make short jumps by direct sighting, which were also less strenuous [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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