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.Carlos looked at me and took pity. I ll get some coffee.I rolled my eyes at him. Thank you.He smirked and vanished down the hall.Before we d been woken up by theglare of the sun, I had been warmly wrapped in Carlos s embrace.The feel of hisnaked body against mine had been amazing.It wasn t sexual, but intimate.If wehad been given the chance to wake at our leisure, it probably would have been anamazing morning.But that possibility had been shot and buried.I stretched out, my body cracking in various places.Fuck, I was getting old. 134 Evelyn ShepherdMy attention traveled over to the corkboard we were using, all the notes andpictures connected with various colors of string.There were a few things thatneeded to be added to it, so I grabbed some paper and began to jot down the jumbledinformation we had collected.Jason, Kyle, Lloyd, Dawson talking to Terri, and theword Fenrir.Once I got them pinned on the board, I stood back and observed theconnecting threads, trying to sort my thoughts out.Carlos returned and passed me a cup of coffee, then dropped a report on hisdesk.I raised a brow, taking the cup graciously and sipping. What s that? I asked,lowering my cup. The reports back from those two car chasers.Just as we suspected, they werelycanthropes.The driver actually matched the hair we had found.I rubbed the back of my neck and looked at the board, nodding toward it. Youhave an answer?Carlos slowly sipped his coffee and studied the board, a sharp crease in hisbrow. Fuck no. I talked to Lloyd the other day, I said, leaning against Carlos s desk.He gave me a sharp, sideways look.I hid a smirk behind my coffee, savoringhis jealousy. What d he say? Carlos asked, somewhat begrudgingly.I furrowed my brows, thinking back to the night before.Lloyd should be heresoon. He was acting strange, I said, collecting my thoughts. Scared and paranoid,like someone was out to get him.He kept telling me I had to help him. And? And then he slipped and told me that when he brought Dawson to TheHunting Moon, Dawson started talking to Terri. Carlos took a pensive sip of coffeeas he studied my new additions to the corkboard.I kept talking, filling Carlos in onwhat I d learned. I also spoke with Victor.I wasn t able to get much out of him.Theman was colder than a snowman. You think he s hiding something? Carlos asked, reaching out and connectingDawson and Terri s names together. Well, I think it s interesting that we get attacked the night Victor is there.They knew we were there, Carlos; they had been waiting for us. I tapped myfingers against my coffee mug in time to some mute rhythm. Whoever is doing thishas an arsenal of men at his disposal.Not only does he have access to lycanthropes,but that Kyle guy was a Phantom.Not powerful, but that doesn t change the factthat he still had the ability. Okay, so our victims are all broke-ass poor, struggling for money, and tied toThe Hunting Moon in some way.They also all dropped dead. Carlos glared at theboard, as if he could intimidate the answers out of it. Lloyd knows something, buthe isn t talking. The Hunting Moon 135 He s supposed to be dropping by later to tell us, I said, offering some littleray of hope.Carlos snorted and took a sip of coffee, saying around the rim of the cup, That s if he decides to show.He might balk on us. Victor is looking more and more suspicious, I said, setting my mug down andwalking up to the board.I pulled the piece of paper off that said Fenrir, holding itup to Carlos. What do you think this means? I don t know.Not really.But you know who might? Carlos drew up a brow. Darius, I said, following his line of thought. Let s go pay our favorite lawyer a visit, he said, smiling.* * * What I don t understand, I said as we pulled into the parking garage,  is howJason works into this.I stared out the window at the sky.It looked as if it might rain.Dark cloudswere rolling in and blotting out the sun.This was the kind of day where I justwanted to stay in bed and have a James Bond marathon.Can we say SeanConnery? I don t know, Carlos admitted, reaching out and setting his hand on myshoulder. But we ll figure it out, mi corazón.He isn t going to hurt you again.There was something fiercely protective in Carlos s eyes.I nodded and pushedopen the car door.I had let Carlos drive, mostly because I was still too fucking tiredto focus on the road.Crowe wasn t expecting us, so I was hoping he was available.We headed intothe building and up to his law office, sharing the elevator with a slinky blonde whohad everything going up top.She flashed both Carlos and me a smile.When thedoors swung open, Carlos tipped his head to her and flashed a roguish smile beforestepping off the elevator.I didn t offer her the same charm as I stepped into theoffice, following Carlos.Crowe s receptionist was sitting behind her desk, clicking at her computer.What was her name? Melanie? Sarah? Stacy?Her intercom clicked on. Melissa, can you get me a coffee? Crowe s voice boomed out.Melissa.That was it, though I still said she looked like a Stacy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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