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.Here she d gone all out these last few months to prove that she was in fact over Vincent.Shemay ve just blown her whole cover.  I can see if they ll send someone else the rest of week. No, no that s fine.You don t have to do all that. She recanted quickly. It s just that after seeing mewith Ben things might be a little, you know, awkward between me and him. Sal lifted his brows,nodding.Hopefully that meant she d shifted his gears into thinking that was the only reason. But if this isthe time he s gonna come in every day, then it should be fine.We ll only be around each other a couple ofhours.She smiled and rushed out, turning the corner just as quickly as she d gotten there.With a poof shecollided right into Lorenzo s hard chest. Whoa, Lorenzo said holding her arm when she stumbled back, you okay?Oh God, looking in his eyes was just like&  Yeah, I m fine, she said pulling her arm gently so he dlet go. I m sorry.I wasn t paying attention.He smiled, and again she had instant memories of Vincent flooding her mind. Yeah I guess youweren t.The other waiter walked past them into the back room, leaving them alone in the hallway.She smiledas the emotions started setting in, and she began to walk away. I ll slow down, I promise.She could do this.She could do this.It was only for a few hours for a couple of days.She d getthrough it.She had to.Gulping back the reality that not only would she continue to have to be aroundLorenzo here at the restaurant occasionally but at a lot of the family gatherings as well.Someday itwouldn t be just Lorenzo, it would be Vincent.She waited by the bar for the order of drinks she d put in.It s been a year now.She chided herself.Get over it. Get over what?She jumped at the sound of Lorenzo s voice.Looking up at his playful eyes, she couldn t believe shewas still doing that.Geez how hard was it to keep your mouth shut when you re thinking! Before shecould come up with a suitable response, he answered his own question with a smirk,  Vince leaving?Feeling herself flush, she glanced away as the bartender let her know her tray was ready.So gratefulto have a reason to not look at him at least that second, she took the tray from the bar, placing it on herforearm.Rose didn t even have to think of how to respond to that because he went on. About that, Rose, whenyou get a chance I need to talk to you. I m done talking about that, she said walking away from the bar and Lorenzo.This was exactly whatshe d been afraid of.She d been trying so hard to finally just get past it, and now he wanted to talk aboutit? Reopen all the wounds that only recently began to heal? No thanks. There s nothing more to talkabout, Lorenzo. But there is, he said.She continued to walk, and he didn t follow. Not happening.She thought that was the end of it, until he called out her name just before she reached her table, andshe turned to him, irritated now.He finished up with his apron and picked up the empty plastic dish container he d set on the floor. It s happening. He winked, walking off looking way too smug about having a conversation sheabsolutely refused to have.~*~The temptation Rose was feeling now about reading the last letter she d received from Vincent was the exact reason why she d told herself to just shred it the moment she saw it.It d come after she d shredall the others, and she hadn t received another one since.She was also very aware this was one that cameafter she d confirmed she had a boyfriend to Sofia.Since apparently Lorenzo was listening so closely, shewas sure he d told Vincent.After Rose showered that evening, she sat on her bed with the towel still wrapped tightly around herhead, staring at the envelope.His letters had come like clockwork about every two weeks.It had beenmuch longer than two weeks since she received this one, and she hadn t received another since.Thisletter was also much lighter and thinner than most of his other letters.She knew he was either telling heroff or simply saying goodbye once and for all.Did she really want to put herself through this? No, but sheneeded the closure.Her heart sped as she shook the envelope to slide the letter inside over then began to rip away slowlyat the other side.Taking a deep breath, she focused on not choking up.It had been long enough for Pete ssake [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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