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.Harivarman had promised her an explanation if she came to confer with him, and at the moment she could think of nothing that she needed more.As she cruised slowly away from the base in the staff car, she suddenly recalled something about theGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlfiring range.Colonel Phocion was out there today, with the new recruits, or some of them.Phocion had wanted to fill in time until his new orders came, someone had informed her, by taking a hand in the training of the small group of raw enlistees who had arrived on the ill-starred transport ship along with Chen Shizuoka.There might also have been, the commander supposed, a few non-coms out there at the range with them when the attack hit.But there had as yet been no word received in the command bunker from those people.The communications with the firing range, as with several other areas of the Fortress, had been disrupted by the berserkers' pulse technology.Should she call back to the command bunker now, from her car, and remind Nurnberg or one of the others about the people at the firing range.but no, the enemy would most likely intercept the message.No, the people at the firing range would have to cope as best they could.Harivarman's voice, so suddenly and unmistakable that it made her jump, came clearly over her car's speakers."Turn left at the next corner, Commander."She acknowledged the instruction with what she thought was admirable calm, and then presently realized that she was headed in the general direction of Sabel's old laboratory."Stop the car where you are," the general's voice ordered presently.She obeyed.The street here looked familiar.Was this the very route that they had taken on that first outing with Harivarman?"Get out," said the speaker in front of her."Walk down the alley to your right, please."Commander Blenheim got out, expecting to feel a weakness in her knees.She was not disappointed.She started walking in the indicated direction.Around the first corner, a berserker was waiting for her.It was a tall thing, standing motionless, rather like a metallic scorpion balancing on its hind legs.Her stomach clenching suddenly, she slowed her steps.She could no longer make herself walk forward.Then she saw and recognized Lescar, the general's driver, who was beckoning to her.The little servant was standing within a few meters of the machine, but not looking at it, as if he were able to pretend it was not there.Lescar's manner was apologetic, but determined."This way, please, madam.The Prince is waiting."The general, Anne Blenheim thought, with what she acknowledged as lunatic determination.But she did not utter her correction aloud.Instead she followed him down a deserted street and into the laboratory, by a different doorway than the one she had used before.The tall berserker escort came with them, following her silently.In a room inside the small lab complex Lescar came to a halt, indicating the door that she should enter.Inside the door, she found herself looking at the Prince, who was seated behind a built-in table, alone except for two more machines that flanked him, like huge and metallic bodyguards, on either side.She said: "It's really true, then.But I can't believe it.Not of you.I really can't believe it." Her voice was only a whisper, and it seemed to come from her almost involuntarily."How could you.?"He flared back at her bitterly: "All right, I'm goodlife, then! What good did it ever do me not to be goodlife? The everlasting gratitude of humanity for my victories over the berserkers? Of course.We've seen how long that lasted.These machines are now tools in my hands, no more, like any other tools.AGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlsaw to cut my prison bars.If Templar guards stand in my way, I can't help that.They're wrong to be there." He paused."I see you came unarmed.Good.You brought the document?"" They're wrong? Harivarman, how could you?""How could I discover evil out in the dark corridors, evil that the Templars managed to miss for two hundred years? Why, I suppose I have a unique affinity for evil.""Then you are really in control of them.However it happened.You really are.""I am indeed.But don't be a fool and think me goodlife.Do you suppose I serve and worship these ?"And he swung out an arm and rapped his knuckles contemptuously against the carapace of one of the towering things beside him, the one on his right with cables hanging from its opened belly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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