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.So, what have I done? What generally happens?The fact is that I am attracted and I want to be near that person;that is a fact, not an ideal.And also the fact is that when I amattracted and I want to possess, there is no love.My concern iswith the fact and not with what I should be.Well, when I possess aperson, I do not want that person to look at anybody else.When Iconsider that person as mine, is there love? Obviously not.Themoment my mind creates a hedge round that person, as the mine,there is no love.The fact is my mind is doing that, all the time.That is what weare discussing, to see how the mind is working; and perhaps, beingaware of it, the mind itself will be quiet.Question: Why has the earth been created and why are we on it?Krishnamurti: You know what the scientists say how the earth has come into being.If you read biology, the beginning of life,they will tell you how the earth has been created, how humanbeings have grown upon it.That is the answer.Question: Is that true?Krishnamurti: The girl wants to know if it is true? Who is goingto tell you about what is true? You are here, are you not? There isthe earth and you are here.Why speculate about something whichyou cannot possibly prove? I mean: the scientists, the biologistswill tell you how the earth has been created; and some equallyclever person will tell you how the earth has been created out ofBrahman.He will tell you how you have been created, how youhave evolved; and another will tell you how you have been createdout of matter.Then, what will happen to you? Which are you goingto choose? You will obviously choose something that will pleaseyou, you will choose according to your own conditioning.This is auseless process of speculating.It is a waste of time to speculate.But there is the earth to understand, and you have to find out whyyou are here, what you are thinking, what you are feeling, whatyour life is.Perhaps you feel you will be able to find outultimately; but you must begin now to find out.Question: Why does one feel the necessity of love?Krishnamurti: You mean why do we have to have love? Whyshould there be love? Can we do without it? What would happen ifyou did not have this so-called love? If your parents began to thinkout why they love you, you might not be here.They might throwyou out.They think they love you; therefore, they want to protectyou, they want to see you educated, they feel that they must giveyou every opportunity to be something.This feeling of protection, this feeling of wanting you to be educated, this feeling that youbelong to them is what they generally call love.Without it, whatwould happen? What would happen if your parents did not loveyou? You would be neglected, you would be somethinginconvenient, you would be pushed out, they would hate you.So,fortunately, there is this feeling of love, perhaps clouded, perhapsbesmirched and ugly; but there is still that feeling, fortunately foryou and me; otherwise, you and I would not have been educated,would not exist.Question: What is prayer? In daily life, what is its importance?Krishnamurti: I presume you put that question in allseriousness, and not just because you want to be clever; I presumeyou really put that question in earnestness.Let us find out.Do notlisten, but find out.Why do you pray and what is prayer? Most ofyour prayers are merely a petitioning, an asking.You indulge inthis kind of prayer because you suffer, because you are alone,because you are depressed and in sorrow.You pray to God and askfor help; that is a petition; and that, you call prayer.The content ofprayer is generally the same although the intent behind it may vary.Prayer, with most people, is a petition, a begging, an asking.Areyou doing that? Why are you praying? I am not saying you shouldor should not pray.But why do you pray? Is it for moreknowledge, for more peace, for the world to be free from sorrow?Is there any other form of prayer than that? There is prayer whichis really not a prayer but the sending out of good will, the sendingout of love, the sending out of ideas.Which is it you are doing?If your prayer is a supplication, a petition, then what happens?You are asking God or somebody to fill your empty bowl, are you not? You want that bowl to be filled according to your wishes.Youwant God to fill it according to your wishes; so you are asking Godfor that which you want.You are not satisfied with what happens,with what is given.So your prayer is merely a petition.It is ademand that you should be satisfied.You want to be satisfied;therefore, your prayer is not prayer at all.You just want to begratified; so you say to God, `I am suffering; please gratify me;please give me my brother, my son.Please make me rich'.So, youare perpetuating your own demands.That is not prayer.The real thing is to understand yourself, to see why you areasking and not for what you are asking, to see why there is thisdemand in you, this urge to beg [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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