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." Again he left no time for response, but turned to Aslan."Aslanaici Adlaar, skilled though they are, these men are strangers to this culture.You are a student of cultures.I expect you to study the Hordar and adviseParnalee Tanmairo Proggerd and Churri diZan how to accomplish what I requireof them.I asked Bolodo to provide someone like you; to know a society as youcan know it is to understand how to manipulate it.If I could do this, Iwould.I can't.I have some practical experience, but it's limited to pullingthe strings on one or two people, at most a family.I don't know how to drivemasses without having to slaughter half of them.People never jump the way youexpect when you squeeze them."Aslan leaned forward, held out a hand, palm facing him."Please.""Yes?"She dropped her arm onto the chair's arm, straightened up."I don't think youunderstand precisely what it is I do.I record and to some extent translatethe histories, the various artistic expressions of dying pre-or non-literatecultures.This has nothing at all to do with manipulation of those cultures.IPage 31 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwouldn't know howto start.You want a number cruncher, a sociometrician who can put his thumbon the swivel points."Tra Yarta smiled at her, amusement softening the harsh yellow of his eyes."I'm sure you realize I had to take what I could get.Scholars don'tordinarily come onto the contract market lists and University is regrettably,from my viewpoint, alert as to what happens to its people.However." Heshuffled through the fax sheets.".I am not all that displeased with whatBolodo has provided." He found the ones he wanted, glanced over them."According to your University records, aici Adlaar, you have had considerabletraining in that direction.Admittedly you have not used that training for thepast several years, but I doubt that a scholar of your ability will haveforgotten so much so soon."Aslan looked past him at the Bolodo Rep, saw him smile and pressed her lipstogether to contain her fury.Before she could say anything, Parnalee closed ahand over her arm, stared at her until she had to look at him.He shook his head.She pulled her arm away but kept her mouth closed.He glanced at Churri who was simmering but silent, then laid his clumsy shovelhands on his massive thighs and gazed thoughtfully at Tra Yarta.After amoment's silence, he said, "Why should we do this?""Why not? These aren't your people.You have no responsibility for them."Again he looked through the sheets, folded them into a sheaf and tapped thesheaf against his chin."Considering some of your other clients.hmm?This is a commission like any other.""Not quite.""True.You don't have the luxury of refusing.""That isn't what I meant and that's not true either.There is no way you canforce us to perform if we're willing to back our refusal with our lives.""Are you?""I am if I'm driven to it.I can't speak for them." He held up a hand, pullingTra Yarta's attention back from Aslan and Churri."That's rather beside thepoint, isn't it? What I intended you to understand is that youshould give us inducements not threats.You're asking us to dirty ourself-images, to engage in acts of betrayal and cynical manipulation.Youshould at least make it profitable.For example, you could send us home afterwe've done the job."Tra Yarta lowered the sheaf of fax sheets, looked at it with raised brows."Cynical manipulation? Well, Tanmairo, you should know it when you see it.Hmm.Send the three of you home? I'm sure you understand that isn't possible.Even if I were willing to betray my kind, Bolodo would never agree.They havetoo much to lose.Short of that, what do you want?""If we have to live here, then let us live well.You say we are slaves, if sofree us.Pay us.Provide us with a way of sustaining ourselves once the job isdone." He lifted his hands, let them fall, turned his head with massivedignity to Churri then Aslan."Either of you have anything to add?"Nearly strangling on the word, Churri muttered, "No."Aslan gazed past Tra Yarta's head at the man silhouetted against the darkeningblue of the sky outside.She looked away."No.""There you have it.You get what you pay for.""Your companions show little enthusiasm for your bargain.""Enthusiasm costs more than you can afford to pay, Tra Yarta.You're buyingcompetence, not complicity.""Competence.Hmm.Your request is a trifle vague.""Necessarily.""Hmm.In principle, I accept your terms; it is obvious to a minimalintelligence." He steepled bis hands, raised heavy blond brows.".thatdifficult and complex projects requiring creative solutions." He clearedhis throat, a distant amusement gleamed in his dark blue eyes.".cannot besolved by applying whips to reluctant backs." Eyelids drooping, hePage 32 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlcontemplated Parnalee."It will be some time before your work-product reachesany sort of coherence.During that interval I can evaluate your efforts andyou can acquire sufficient local knowledge to shape your proposal to yourneeds.At that time it's quite possiblethat we will be able to negotiate a mutually satisfactory arrangement." He gotto his feet."At the same time, be very sure you keep in mind yourcircumstances.Be very sure the degree of nuisance you produce does not exceedthe value of your services.If I can't use your proper skills, I'll find otheremployment for you." He ran his eyes over Parnalee's powerful body."The minescan always use a strong back.I have had a small compound cleared out and madeready for the three of you.I expect you to start work immediately.There is acom at each of your work stations, preset to the offices of certain of myaides who will be directing you in this enterprise.If you need anything, callon them." With a valedictory nod, Tra Yarta strode briskly from the room.TheBolodo Rep who hadn't said a word during the interview kept on saying nothingas he hurried after the Security Chief.The compound was a walled-in oval of garden and walkways, fountains and arborswith a small one-story structure at one focus of the oval, a delicate airyhouse with pointed windows and walls of wood, not stone; from the securityarrangements and the look of the place, it seemed reasonably clear that theImperator had stashed his favorite courtesans here and spent more than alittle time with them.There were four bedrooms with bathrooms attached, setlike beads at the corners of an oblong brooch, the centerpiece a largewell-lit common room.Tra Yarta had moved most of the furniture out of thecommon room and set up three work stations for them; these waited under dustsheets.A fire was crackling behind a pleated glass screen and comfortableleather-covered chairs were arranged in a shallow arc about the hearth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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