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.The combined firepower of the battleshipsslowly dwindled, as more and more of their beam emitters were sliced off theship bodies, putting these giant ships out of action.Not satisfied with just damaging the battleships, Crash decided to make astatement to the Cren Commander by completely destroying all of them.Whenthere were only a few of them still firing, he turned the transport around andsavagely attacked one of the damaged battleship's cores.He increased hisvelocity to just under light speed.Flying in a gigantic loop, he rammed thetransport into battleship after battleship in one continuous pass.In the wakePage 178 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlof the transport's attack, each battleship bore a large, gaping, sixteenthousand foot hole in its hull.One after another, the Cren battleships met destruction.Within thirtyseconds, forty-four battleships were damaged beyond repair, their burninghulks floating aimlessly in space.Just as Crash targeted the remainingbattleships, every safety alarm in the transport screamed to life.Simultaneously, a tremendous blow racked the transport.The whole interior ofthe ship became engulfed in a deeply purple, hellish light.A profoundthrobbing vibration emanated through out the ship in simultaneous synchronywith the intruding energy beam.The transport's hull literally sizzled fromthe blast.Crash's and DP's eyes met at the same instant.The word "PAWS!" left theirmouths at the same time.The tactical display indicated to them that one of the PAWS groups had firedon them, scoring a direct hit.The energy readings of these beams were off thescale, and could not be accurately determined.Heat from the energy beamradiated through the transport's SEG field and into its thick hull.Crashcould not believe that this was possible."Nessi!" Crash screamed over all of the noise."How much is it?"Nessi, slumped over his computer screen, frantically tried to assimilate thedata, all the while ignoring all of the commotion within the ship.After a fewvery long seconds, he screamed back over the deafening noise, "It's an energybeam, Sir Crash! Holy Shiva! It's over five hundred billion Kelvins!"Crash literally fell back into his chair.From his long years of research, heknew that energy levels of that magnitude were only obtained in the cores ofsupernova explosions or the collisions of two large black holes.He did notbelieve this to be possible, and yet it certainly seemed to be happening.Heknew that now was not the time to debate the causes of this phenomenon, asimmediate action would be required to save the ship and crew from thisextraordinary attack."DP!" Crash yelled."Order the destroyers to disengage and leave the areaimmediately at maximum velocity.They won't survive an attack of thismagnitude.Tell them we will meet them at our rendezvous as soon as we can.""Aye, sir!" DP replied."Captain Parker," Crash continued, "ram that bastard firing on us at 2-FTL!Ram 'em right now!""Aye, sir," Parker replied crisply.He engaged the SEG drive at full power.The transport ship's SEG field quickly reformed into its propulsion format.Tothe Cren sensors, it simply blinked out and disappeared.A nanosecond later,the PAWS, which, just an instant earlier, had verged on destroying thetransport, were hit by a force never before seen in the universe.A clash ofmulti-dimensions - the very force of Creation itself - rose in dynamicconflict.Unequivocal proof of Pauli's Exclusion Principle was laid bare.Crash rammed one of the PAWS in the triad with the transport.The repulsiveforce field generator on one of the PAWS, which created the static field thatkept the trio of PAWS ships from collapsing into each other, was destroyed bythe impact.The finely tuned gravitational forces keeping the three massiveships separated were interrupted.They quickly failed.As a result, theinherent gravitational force fields of the three massive neutron star hulls insuch close proximity to one another quickly accelerated this imbalance.Thethree ships began an uncontrollable death roll towards one another.In just afew seconds, the three ships traversed their artificially bound, one hundredmile separation, merged, and collapsed into one another, instantly creating agravitational singularity.At that point, all hell broke loose.The gravitational imbalance compressedthe spatial field around them to such a degree that it sucked in all of thematter inside its event horizon, deconstituting it as it fell to its demisewithin the singularity.Many of the dead battleship hulls were caught up inthis maelstrom.When they hit the event horizon, much of their mass wasconverted into pure energy.The resulting explosions destabilized the battlePage 179 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlformation of the Cren Armada.Many of the smaller vessels were destroyedoutright by the intense blast waves generated by these explosions.Even someof the larger destroyers and several cruisers that happened to be too close tothe event horizon were simultaneously sucked in.Within just a few minutes,fully one-half of the ships forming the Cren Armada were destroyed or severelydamaged.Luckily, Crash suspected that these events might happen, and had moved thetransport a full light-year away at the instant the attack ended.This allowedthe SEG field to protect the transport from the effects of this explosion.Crash watched in wonderment.In just a few minutes, a majority of the powerfulCren ships were rendered militarily impotent.The balance of power in thislocal region of space had just changed to Crash's favor.While that this event progressed, the planet Matar had become increasinglygeophysically unstable.It began to move toward the newly formed gravitationalsingularity.***Admiral Shaulindar, although impressed by Crash's maneuver, became more angrythan embarrassed.That impudent Prim had just destroyed over three hundred ofhis finest ships with barely a scratch to any of his own.This intolerablesituation could not be allowed to go unanswered.As he gazed at the tacticalbattle display, he thought balefully, that little Primitive bastard is nowsurrounded by sixty-three of the Empire's most lethal ships, not to mentionthe nine PAWS.He will soon understand justice and know what it means to crossthe Cren Empire!Turning to P-Quan, he casually asked, "Do you think I am over-reacting,Governor?"P-Quan had taken solace from the results of the battle.As it now seemed plainthat the mighty Cren Empire could not control this lowly Prim, surely he couldnot be held personally responsible for the matter's going this awry in thefirst place.As things now stood, this entire issue should certainly beconsidered to be out of his hands.An internal, unspoken serenity filled hismind.He felt that his future well-being was now secure [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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