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.She rolled her eyes. Just imagine.Then I asked three other people to come and performthe same trick, because I thought you might not get the job done on your own.Would younot be insulted? I suppose so.If I was some fruity magician.I might just swish my cape and go home.He laughed.It felt good to joke, to ease some of the tension of the night.She apparently agreed, slapping him lightly on the arm.When she raised her hand to do itagain, she curved her fingers around his biceps instead.The thought of wrecking Nathan s herb closet in a fit of passion wasn t as exciting as itshould have been.Probably because of her insistence that Max was in love with her.Definitely Fatal Attraction territory there, and he did not want to visit it.Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)He brushed her hand away and turned back to the herbs. Knock it off.We have work todo. Yes, I do, she agreed, clearing her throat. And you should leave me alone to do it.His rejection bothered her, he realized as she walked away.So where was the pride thatshould have come with that victory?And why did he feel like he was the one who d lost?20Welcome Back, Part TwoI d only been gone a week, but when the lights of downtown emerged from the gentlebend of I-96, it seemed I d been away for years. God help me, I haven t been away from this stinking place long enough, Cyrus mutteredfrom the passenger seat. You know, you could sleep.I hear it s the thing for humans to do at night. I myself hadnot gotten enough sleep on the trip.I found myself longing for my bed, only to realize itwasn t really my bed I wanted to be in.A pang of homesickness brought tears to my eyes.I wanted to be lying beside Nathan,inhaling his scent, listening to his blood as it moved through my veins.For a moment, thepain was so intense I nearly screamed my longing like a child having a temper fit.I needed Nathan.I loved Nathan.Everyone knew it but him. Are you all right?I still hadn t adjusted to the new Cyrus, so it took me a moment to realize there wasn t ahidden trap in his words.I wiped my eyes and nodded. I m fine.I m just very tired. You could have let me drive.I would have picked up speed.When I was morecomfortable. He paused to look out the window. My God.Nothing has changed. Well, the bus schedule changed.And they finished the bigger YMCA since you& died. Ipointed toward the south side of town. I d show you, but I d rather get home before Iburn to a crisp.He nodded. I don t mean to sound crass, but what exactly am I going to do here?Signaling to change lanes, I shifted into the exit that swooped smoothly down to the heartof town. I haven t figured that out yet.You can stay with us for a while. I don t think Nolen will be happy about that. Cyrus sounded almost apologetic.Probably because he didn t want to sleep in the van again. Nathan is currently indisposed to object to anything.But I m not asking you to stay as aguest.You have to stay with us because I don t want your father getting ahold of you. Isent him a pointed glance. And I don t want you trying to find him, either.He gave a mock salute. Yes, ma am. I don t want to fight with you about this, Cyrus. It still stung to say his name.He frowned. Don t flinch.It s not like I stabbed you in your heart or anything.I mhuman now.You have nothing to fear from me.I opened my mouth to argue, but his deep sigh cut me off. I do want to find my father.But not for the reasons you suspect.Pushing down a huge lump of fear, I tried to sound chipper. Well, maybe I ve misjudgedyou.He looked at me with unwavering accusation in his eyes. You ve never done anythingCreate PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)but.I let his comment pass there must have been a gas leak rendering him high and acomplete amnesiac to say something so profoundly stupid and we rode the rest of theway in silence.But I couldn t quiet my mind as we neared the apartment.I had to forcibly remind myselfthat this wasn t a joyous homecoming.Our ordeal was far from over, and I had no ideawhat I was going to find when we arrived.By the time I pulled up to the curb in front ofthe building, I could barely keep the image of Linda Blair s spinning head from my mind.I took a deep breath to fortify myself and grasped the door handle. Here goes nothing. Wait. Cyrus s fingers, startlingly warm on my dead flesh, closed over my arm.He tookmy shocked hesitation for compliance. It seems like it was only a few days ago you leftme.My chauffer drove me here every day, and I would park at this very curb and imagineyou upstairs with Nolen.Cyrus clasped my free hand with a firm, earnest grip. You hurt me.You think I didn tlove you.I didn t.I thought I did, but now I know I was wrong.But I cared for you.I didtruly care for you.I swallowed.Maybe if I hadn t known he was dead, I would have prepared for thismoment.If I had planned a confrontation, it would have been a spectacular one.But Ihadn t had a reason to.I didn t know what to say now or how to react.I couldn t even tellwhat I was supposed to be feeling. You broke my heart, Carrie. His gaze locked with mine, and for the first time I sawnothing but honesty in the clear, blue depths of his eyes.He leaned forward slowly, his catlike grace not lost to death and resurrection.Before Icould think rationally and it would have taken awhile, considering the totally bizarrecircumstances of the moment Cyrus kissed me.The phrase like riding a bicycle came to mind.Though it had been two months, duringmost of which he d been deceased, my body responded to him the way it had when we dshared blood
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