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.The strip of light bisectinghis bedroom floor, flooding through the crack left open in the bathroom door, immediately loosenedthe dread sitting in his belly.Jesus Christ.This can t be good.Flopping back onto his pillow, Logan pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes, cursingunder his breath.He hadn t even needed to achieve full consciousness for something inside him toprocess Nate s absence from his bed and for it to register as panic.Not only that, but the second herealized the guy was just taking a piss and would return in a minute, everything settled inside like askittish beast being soothed by a skilled animal behaviorist.He can t be that important to me.Not this fast.As soon as he had that thought, Logan groaned again, and it had nothing to do with the vigorousnature of his activities that left soreness in his leg and hip.Instead, the low, rumbling noise came fromrapid-fire memories of how he d taken Nate a second time last night.The constriction bandingLogan s chest existed with the realization of how much he d opened himself to Nate during the throesof sex.Not once in his life had Logan started out intending to take any man with slow, smoothprecision, and then with one thrust immediately switch to losing himself in a mating to the point wherehe had very little control over the nature of the fucking.When Nate finished up in the bathroom, Logan wouldn t have to ask him about the level oftenderness in his ass.Nate had to hurt more than a little bit this morning.After all, Logan hadaggressively fucked the man twice with little care for his newbie status.Not true.Logan had cared.He just hadn t been able to overcome his body s need to take and take and take until nothing matteredto either of them but coming.What are you doing, Jeffries? Logan stared at the sliver of light streaming across his floor fromthe bathroom, suddenly dreading the moment Nate would emerge.You were going to stay far awayfrom him.Then you weren t going to get close enough to kiss him.And now you ve not only takenhim twice, you cleaned him up afterward and crawled into bed next to him to sleep the best sevenhours straight since well before Ryan left you.Logan s groan turned into a soft growl.He didn t want to think about Ryan right now.Didn twant to acknowledge the vast difference between sex with Nate and every other man in his past.Logan hadn t even experienced that level of intimacy with Ryan, whom once upon a time Logan hadprivately believed might be the one.If Logan thought too much about how incredibly intense andbeyond personal sex with Nate had been last night, so different on so many levels from anything he dhad with Ryan, then Logan would have to admit Ryan might have found something similar withRoland and had made the right choice to move on.But not the way he did it.The burn of old angerstill sparked in Logan s belly, heating his gut.Suddenly a distinct  yes and clang of metal hitting metal carried to Logan from the bathroom. What the hell?Logan climbed out of bed and strode to the bathroom, ignoring the throb in his leg.His knockmerely a warning, he pushed open the bathroom door to find Nate easing the toilet tank lid back inplace, an open toolbox at his side, wearing only a smile and the sweats Logan had wiggled him intolast night.As if he suddenly realized he had an audience, Nate whipped around to face Logan, his eyeswide. Oh, hi.I didn t mean to wake you. You didn t. His brow furrowing, Logan settled his shoulder against the doorjamb, his attentionfully captivated by this disheveled, sexy man kneeling on his bathroom floor. What in God s nameare you doing, though? Fixing your toilet. Nate s cheeks went sweetly pink as he said that. I got up to take a piss andwhen I flushed it, I broke it.I didn t want you to know, so I found your toolbox under the kitchen sinkand repaired it.I m sorry. Nate fussed with lining up the three rolls of toilet paper and hand towelLogan kept on the back of the commode. I didn t mean to break it.Jesus, how did this guy not collect hearts from Minnesota through to every stop on his busride to Chicago?Logan pushed the rest of the way into the bathroom and made his way to the cutest damn manhe d ever met.The urge to touch filled his hands, fuck, filled his entire arms, with tingles.Surrendering to it, Logan threaded his fingers through Nate s mess of hair and tilted his headback. You didn t break it, honey.It has been running for almost a week.I haven t been able to get itto stop. He smiled wryly. Threatening to do violent things to the building s super hasn t moved meto the top of his list.One of Nate s brows rose in a comically dastardly arch. I m shocked that browbeating himdidn t work. Wiseass. Logan smacked Nate on the butt and then ruined it by pecking a kiss to his temple. Don t worry about it. Taking a step back, he leaned against the sink. I ll get him up hereeventually. No need. Nate went from blushing to beaming. I fixed it.Logan pushed up straighter. No shit? Shit.See? Nate pushed the handle, allowing Logan to hear the smooth flow of water as thetoilet flushed and then a lack of dripping after the bowl filled. It s not that hard if you know what todo.This strange mix of shy confidence in Nate stirred Logan s blood.It had him shifting andstudying the man even more closely than he normally did. How do you know what to do?Nate pulled a face. Promise you won t laugh?Giving Nate a once-over, already battling the beginnings of hunger for another taste, Loganfought the throb of a morning erection trying to reemerge. I never laugh at sexy, bare-chested men inmy bathroom who ve just assured me they fixed my plumbing problem.Rather than a cute-as-hell tinge appearing in Nate s cheeks, a burst of sharp laughter filled thebathroom.Nate covered his mouth as he made a face, but the stifled chuckles still seeped out throughhis fingers.What he d said suddenly hit Logan, and a dull heat roared under his skin. Okay, fine.So that didn t come out right.Instead of Nate calming down, tears formed in his eyes.He cuffed his mouth tighter, making hisfingertips turn white, and laughed even more uncontrollably. Fine.Don t tell me. Logan put the sternest tone he possessed in his voice, but he bit the insideof his cheek to keep from laughing too. I m going back to bed. Wait! Nate lunged and grabbed Logan s arm, holding him in place.Mirth still twinkled in hiseyes, highlighting the warmer, lighter browns. Wait.Give me a second. In a few blinks Nate wentfrom openly biting back laughter to chewing on the edge of his lip. Do you really want to know?Every soft place inside Logan that had never been comfortable reached out for something to grabonto when it came to Nate. I wouldn t have asked if I didn t want to know [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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