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.Another thing he d remembered about her.She was beginning to think the man never forgotanything. I d love some coffee. He nodded toward the coffee maker in the far corner of the kitchen. Thecups are in the cabinet directly above it.She followed his bidding, adding a dash of cream to his cup before carrying it to the table.It turnedout he wasn t the only one who remembered things.But they d barely gotten settled at the long rectangular table that filled his breakfast nook when aknock came on the kitchen door.Before Quinn could get up to answer it, the door flew open and inwalked two of the hottest men Elise had ever seen, present company included.Both were dressed in worn jeans and tight, V-neck T-shirts with the sleeves rolled up to revealtatted up arms and bulging biceps.Both had shaggy hair and intense eyes.And both looked verysurprised to see a woman sitting at Quinn s breakfast table, a fact that pleased her much more than itshould have. Who are you? the blond one asked, his blue eyes narrowed as they swept over every part of herhe could see.  Who are you? she answered, a little shocked at her own rudeness.This was Quinn s house, afterall, and she was the interloper.These two looked like they fit right in.He didn t take offense, though.Instead, he shot Quinn an amused look as the other guy threw backhis head and laughed.And could she just say, holy crap.She d thought he was hot before.Butlaughing, with his eyes all crinkled up, he was breathtaking.And that didn t even count the fact thatsex seemed to roll off him in never-ending waves.For a moment, she couldn t help wondering if modern science had looked into bottling thepheromones that rolled off this guy.If they hadn t, then they definitely should.Every man on the planetwould line up to get himself a bottle.She glanced at Quinn, who was watching her reaction to his two friends with his arms crossed anda small smile of his own.Okay, he wouldn t need to line up for a bottle.With his dark eyes anddarker emotions, he was definitely the sexiest guy in the room.The sexiest guy she d ever seen.Butnormal men, certainly the ones who inhabited her regular world, would definitely get laid a lot moreif they could get a hold of whatever these three guys had going on. These are my band mates, Quinn told her. That one s Jared, he said, pointing to the one whohad demanded to know who she was. He s our lead guitarist.And that s Ryder, the lead singer.Of course.The one all but radiating sex was the lead singer of the band.As she moved to shaketheir hands, Elise couldn t help wondering if that kind of sex appeal was something they taught in aclass on how to headline a concert or if it was something that the best lead singers just had in spades.Like confidence.And the ability to wear copious amounts of eyeliner without looking ridiculous.Andreally good hair. This is Elise McKinney, Quinn continued, resting his hand on her lower back and guiding hertoward the other men. She s a friend of mine from way back.This time, Ryder was the one who cocked his head to the side as he studied her. The concertpianist?Her eyes darted to Quinn s.Had he told these guys about her? When he d introduced her, it hadn tsounded like he had.But maybe she d just read the situation wrong and there was something she wassupposed to say.Some way she was supposed to handle this and she just didn t know what that was.Just the thought made her nervous, had her fingers curling into fists.She d never been one to do wellwithout a script.But they kept watching her with gorgeous faces and interested eyes until she finally agreed,  That sme. It seemed a safe enough answer. Awesome.I really like your stuff.It s amazing.I ve got all seven of your albums, though theRachmaninoff is my favorite.Now she really was surprised.Which made her feel like a total jerk.She d judged this guy on hislooks, figured he wouldn t know anything about what she did or who she played.But why shouldn the? Music was music.Just because she listened to the classical stuff didn t mean she had no appreciation for rock or jazz or even pop.It was beyond snobbish to think any differently of Ryderjust because of the tattoos and piercings and hair. It s my favorite, too, she agreed. There s just something about  Rachmaninoff, he finished for her with a grin. Exactly. They smiled at each other in perfect accord, at least until he glanced over at Quinn andasked,  All those times I played her stuff on the bus, why didn t you tell me you knew her?Quinn didn t answer.But then she hadn t really expected him to.Talking never had been his strongsuit.Ryder didn t seem to expect an answer either [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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