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.Penhas came after the Goblet a few months ago.Almost worked, too.Nick eased up next to the trailer and felt for any emotions coming from within. You think his mom s aPenha? No idea. She scooted next to him, pressing into his body, and he could feel her reaching inside him totry to feel what he was sensing.He opened to her, allowing her inside, and smiled with how right it felt. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Is anyone in the trailer? she asked. There s anger.Fury. He stopped talking as a crescendo of voices rose from within.A male voiceshouting, a woman s yelling back.Something crashed from inside, and the door slammed open right next to them.They quickly dove under the trailer as a man stepped outside.He was wearing a gold jumpsuit withsparkly gold boots and had bleached blond hair.He whirled back toward the trailer, and Nick jerked hishead underneath so he couldn t be seen. I m tired of you trying to run my life, the man shouted. You think that just because you got meunfrozen that I should bow to you and let you tell me what to do.Satan Jr.Fury slammed into Nick, but before he could move, Becca reached out to wrap her fingersaround his wrist. Not now, she whispered. Wait.He immediately drew on her strength and self-control to gain control of his anger.She snuggled againsthim, reaching into him to help him build his shields. I like that I can help you, she whispered. You and me both, he said as he curled his fingers into the grass, forcing himself not to jump up andpunish the man for what he d done to his sister, feeling Becca s control winding through his being,tamping down his need to retaliate. I m your mother.I have every right to do what I think is best for you, a woman s voice said.Therewas a soft step above their heads, and then a pair of women s feet came into view, clad in stilettos andblack stockings.The faint scent of perfume drifted under the trailer, and Nick felt his groin tighten. She s Penha, he whispered. I can feel it. You re fine, Becca whispered. You had sex twenty minutes ago.He dropped his head.Beads of sweat trickled down his back, and he latched even tighter onto Becca,drawing her against him, rubbing himself against her to try to use her to block the influence of the Penha,but he suddenly became aware of her breasts pressed against his chest, of the soft curve of her hipsunder his hands. This isn t working, he gritted out. She s powerful. So are you. Becca s voice was calm. Shut her out. I m trying, he muttered. You blistered Dani! Satan Jr.shouted. How could you do that? You know she was going to be myqueen!At the mention of Dani, rage flared inside him, and Nick embraced his anger, trying to force the sexualneed out of his body.He and Becca could control anger.Lust, not so much, apparently. I had to get her brother out of the Council offices! Rosemarie snapped. There was no way to getthrough him.These Markku you found for me are weaklings in comparison to him. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlBecca raised her brows at him, and he shrugged.Satan Jr.growled in frustration. He still has the post-battle weakness.You could have taken him outwhen he was down! I wasn t willing to risk your life on that! She snapped. You should be thanking me.Besides, Dani wasusing you.It s Jerome she loves.There was silence, and Nick felt Satan Jr. s denial before he even spoke. Dani loves me.I am the onewho will make her queen of hell. No, you arrogant fool.Dani was using you, and once you were frozen, I realized it.Putting her in thatvesicle of hell pus was the best thing I could do for you.If her brother succeeds in killing Satan, thenyou ll be the leader of hell and you can manipulate her into anything.If he doesn t, then Dani will die,which is what she deserves anyway.There was more silence.Then,  It still pisses me off I can t kill Satan myself. Yes, well, we have to accept the fact that your shared blood keeps you from killing him and make otherarrangements, right? Her voice turned soothing and sultry, and a fresh blast of lust crashed into Nick.Shit. She s extremely powerful.No wonder the Markku have no chance against her. He dropped hishead, willing himself to stay still, when all he wanted to do was crawl out from under the trailer and begher to ride him until he collapsed from exhaustion.He d have no chance at all if she actually directed herpowers at him.Becca slipped her hand under the front of his jeans, and he nearly exploded right there. Better? sheasked. Sort of, he croaked.Now he wanted Becca so much that he was in actual physical pain. You rekilling me. He felt her own lust flare, and he groaned. We can t have Penha-induced sex under here,he whispered. We ll never be able to be quiet.They ll find us.Her hand stilled in silent admission that he was correct. Then we better get out of here soon, becauseyour lust is starting to affect me.There was the rapid thud of feet fast approaching [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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