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.2.Choose Erase Disk from the Special menu.You will see one of the two alert boxes shown in the illustration below.(Thealert box you see depends on the capacity of the disk you inserted.)What you see when erasing a 1.4 MB diskWhat you see when erasing a 400K or 800K disk3.Click Initialize (for a 1.4 MB disk), Two-Sided (for an 800K disk), orOne-Sided (for a 400K disk).You can click Cancel if you do not want to erase the disk.When you click any of the erasing options, the disk is erased and reinitialized.Renaming a floppy diskYou rename a floppy disk by using standard editing techniques.(You cannotrename a locked floppy disk.)Follow these steps to rename a floppy disk:1.Click the icon or name of the floppy disk you want to rename.Selecting the icon selects its name, and vice versa.2.Type a new name for the disk.When you begin typing, the pointer and the old name disappear.The insertionpoint blinks at the end of the text you type.3.Click anywhere outside the disk icon.When you click, the insertion point disappears and the icon is deselected." "Renaming a Hard Disk" earlier in this chapter" "Editing Text" in Chapter 9" "Locking and Unlocking a Floppy Disk" later in this chapterMaking backup copies of floppy disksAlthough floppy disks are designed to last through thousands of hours of use,they can become damaged or worn.It is wise to make backup copies ofimportant work and programs, especially if you use only floppy disks withyour Macintosh.One way of backing up your work is to save copies of individual files orfolders on more than one disk.But for essential software, such as startupdisks, system software master disks, and program master disks, you willprobably want to back up the entire disk.Follow these steps to make a backup copy of an entire floppy disk:1.Drag the icon of the floppy disk you want to back up (the source disk)onto the icon of the disk on which the copy will be made (the destinationdisk).The destination disk can be either a floppy disk (as pictured here) or a harddisk.If the destination disk is a floppy disk, an alert box appears, asking you toconfirm that the information being copied should replace the contents of thedestination disk.If the destination disk is a hard disk, an alert box appears, letting youknow that the contents of the source disk will be placed on the hard disk ina folder with the same name as the source disk.2.Read the message to be sure you are making the correct decision.3.Click OK. You can click Cancel if you decide that you do not want to make a backup copyof the disk.When you click OK, your disk is copied; a message reports the progress ofcopying.With one floppy disk drive: If you have only one floppy disk drive (and nohard disk), you can use this copying procedure but you will have to swapdisks a number of times." "Backing Up a Hard Disk" earlier in this chapter" "Saving a Copy of a Document on a Different Disk" in Chapter 11Updating to a new version of system softwareIf you have been using an older version of the system software, you canupdate your system to a newer version by installing the newer software.Doingso replaces old system files, drivers, and other resources with new versions,but it does not disturb any customized features (such as fonts and deskaccessories) you may have added.When updating to a new version of system software, it is a good idea toinstall the new version on all your startup disks.(But you may want to keepa copy of the old version, because older application programs sometimes haveproblems running with new versions of system software.)To install new system software, follow the instructions in "Installing SystemSoftware on a Hard Disk" or "Installing System Software on a Floppy Disk"earlier in this chapter.If you want to customize your system software by specifying what files youinstall, use the instructions in the next section, "Creating a CustomizedStartup Disk."Creating a customized startup diskWhen you create a customized startup disk, you can select the exactcombination of system files you want in your system.The customizedinstallation process installs the files you choose directly in your SystemFolder ready to use.You can do a custom installation when you install systemsoftware for the first time, or when you update to a new version of systemsoftware.You begin the installation procedure with your Macintosh switched off.1.Insert the System Startup disk in the internal floppy disk drive.2.Switch on the computer.3.If you do not have a hard disk, insert an initialized floppy disk in anexternal floppy drive.If you have only one floppy disk drive (and no hard disk), you will have toeject the System Startup disk and insert an initialized disk after startingthe Installer program.The installation process will involve many disk swapsas you copy the necessary files from the system software disks to the disk onwhich the system is being installed.Simply follow the instructions on thescreen when the computer prompts you to switch disks. 4.Open the System Startup icon.5.Open the Installer icon.The Installer's Welcome dialog box appears.6.Click OK to clear the Welcome box.The Installer's main dialog box appears.7.If you want to install system software on a disk other than the one namedin the dialog box, click the Switch Disk button until you see the correctname.8.Click Customize.The custom installation screen appears, with a list of all drivers providedwith the system software and (further down in the list) a choice of standardor minimal system files for your Macintosh.9.Scroll through the list of items and Shift-click the ones you want toinstall.As you select items, their names appear in the lower-left portion of thedialog box.(If you select only one item, details about it appear.)10.Click Install.The Installer begins to install the system software.Messages on the screenreport the progress of the installation and let you know when you need toswap disks.11.If the computer prompts you, insert the System Additions disk [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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