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.The utilitarian argument is the one that Toland developsto plead for the naturalisation of foreigners in general, with the Huguenots headingthe queue.The only, rather sizeable, difference is that the Jews will prove to be evenmore useful and loyal than the French:Their having no [Country] to which they are ty d by inclination or interest as their own, willnever likewise enter into any political engagements, which might be prejudicial to ours,as we have known (for Example) certain French Refugees to have done, notwithstandingtheir protection; nay, and to be ever pleas d with any successes against us.as making forthe greatness of their nation, wherein they still took a sort of pride, and to which, some of em are gone back again, after failing of their expectations here.73And further:It is evident, that by receiving of the Jews, no body needs be afraid that any religious Partyin the Nation will thereby be weakn d or enforc d.they ll never join with any Party incivil Affairs, but that which patronizes liberty of conscience and the naturalization, whichwill ever be the side of Liberty and the Constitution.74Not only were they to become Whigs, but they were also to contribute to thebeautification of London and Bristol, as they had done in Amsterdam and The71 Champion,  Introduction to Nazarenus.72 Wiener, John Toland and Judaism, p.230.73 Toland, Reasons, p.13.74 Ibid., pp.11 12 Huguenot Traces and Reminiscences 187Hague.75 The moral argument which Toland proffers in favour of the tolerance ofthe Jews is part of the fight he leads against prejudice and the injustice it causes:injustices which have hit the Jews harder than others:But no people or sect in the world, has had sadder experience of these truths in all times,than the Jews; for their religious customs differing in the whole from all other nations,and being in the parts directly contrary to those of several, they had all nations thereforefor their enemies.76False accusations that triggered persecutions created a vicious circle that affectedJews everywhere, and had done so for many centuries. But the Annals of Europeannations are foully besmear d with their blood , he writes,  since Christianity got themastery.77 When he recounts these persecutions we sometimes encounter Huguenotsources, above all Jacques Basnage and his Histoire des Juifs.78 We should also addother works by Basnage,79 as well as the Histoires by Larrey and Lenfant.80The information that Toland draws from his Huguenot sources is important becauseit strengthens his argument for the naturalisation of the Jews.He also uncovers thelinks between barbarity, prejudice and religious fanaticism:  Zeal for the glory ofGod was alleg d; which is the most terrible and bloody expression in any language,when a bigot speaks it.81 In this context, Toland does not fail to cite the role that thehated Priests had played in the persecution of the Jews:  But their most inveterateEnemies were the Priests, who devoutly offer d up those human Sacrifices, not onlyto share their Goods with the rapacious Prince, but also to acquire the reputation ofzeal and sanctity among the credulous vulgar.8275  I envy not those whole streets of magnificent buildings that the Jews have erectedat Amsterdam and the Hague: but there are other Jews enow in the World to adorn London orBristol with the like , Ibid., p.17.76 Ibid., p.22.77 Ibid., p.22.78 Basnage de Beauval, Jacques, L Histoire et la Religion des Juifs depuis Jésus-Christ jusqu à présent.Pour servir de supplément et de continuation à l Histoire de Joseph(6 vols, Rotterdam, 1707), and the later edition, Histoire des Juifs depuis Jésus-Christ jusqu àprésent (15 vols, The Hague, 1716).Pierre Lurbe underlines, in his translation, many of theborrowings and pieces of information that Toland gleaned from Basnage.79 Above all, his Histoire de l Eglise, depuis Jésus Christ jusqu à présent (Rotterdam,1699), and the Histoire du Vieux et Nouveau Testament (Amsterdam, 1705) [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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