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. As for beingtheir friend, you be their friend if you want-that s up to you!Brin and Rone looked at each other doubtfully.It did not appear that they were going to have much luckobtaining help from the old man in finding their way through Darklin Reach. Very well, grandfather-I shall be host and friend for the both of us. Kimber Boh sighed.She facedthem squarely, ignoring the old man. It s growing late.You have come a long way and you need foodand rest.Home is just a short distance from here, and you are welcome to stay the night as myguests-and my grandfather s. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlShe paused to consider something more. In fact, it would be a great favor to me if you would stay.Fewtravelers come this far east, and even then I seldom have a chance to talk with them.As I said,grandfather is very protective.But perhaps you would consent to talk with me-to tell me something ofyour home in the Southland.Would you do that?Brin smiled wearily. For a place to sleep and something to eat, I think that is the least we could do.Rone nodded in agreement, although not without an apprehensive glance at Whisper. It is settled then, Kimber Boh announced.She called to the big cat, who rose, stretched leisurely andpadded up to her. If you will follow me, we can be there in a few minutes time.She turned, with Whisper beside her, and disappeared back into the forest.The Valegirl and thehighlander hitched up their backpacks and followed.As they passed Cogline, the old man refused tolook at them, staring at the ground in grim determination, his heavy brows furrowed. Dratted trespassers! he muttered.Then with a wary glance about, he shuffled after them intoA moment later, the little clearing stood empty.31Home for the girl, the old man, and the disappearing cat was a pleasant, but very average-looking stoneand timber cottage situated in a broad, grass-covered clearing sheltered by centuries-old oak and redelm.Porches ran along the front and rear of the cottage, and the walls were grown thick with floweringvines and bush evergreens.Stone walkways ran from the home through gardens that lay all about-someflower, some vegetable, all carefully tended and neatly draw.Spruce and pine lined the perimeter of theclearing, and hedgerows ran along the borders of a gardens.A great amount of work had gone into thecare and nurture of the entire grounds.The same care was evident inside the cottage.Neat and spotlessly clean, the sanded wood plank floorsand timbered walls gleamed in the soft light of the oil lamps, polished and waxed.Handcrafts of wovencloth and cross-stitch hung from the walls, and bright tapestries draped the rough wooden furniture andwindows.Odd pieces of silver and crystal sat upon tables within a broad-shelved hutch, and the longtrestle table at one end of the main room had been set with earthenware dishes and crafted utensils.Flowers blossomed from vases and clay pots, some grown from plantings, some cut and arranged.Thewhole of the cottage seemed bright and cheerful, even with the nightfall, and there was that feeling of aVale home at every turn. Dinner is almost ready, Kimber Boh announced when they had come inside, casting a reproachfulglance in Cogline s direction. If you will seat yourselves, I will put it on the table.Grumbling to himself, Cogline slid onto the bench at the far side of the table, while Brin and Rone satdown across from him.Whisper padded past them to a braided throw rug situated in front of a widestone fireplace where a small stack of logs burned cheerfully.With a yawn, the cat curled up before theflames and fell asleep. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlThe meal that Kimber Boh brought to them consisted of wild fowl, garden vegetables, fresh-bakedbreads, and goat s milk, and they consumed it hungrily.As they ate, the girl asked them questions of theSouthland and its people, eager to hear of the world beyond her valley home.She had never beenoutside Darklin Reach, she explained, but someday soon now she would make the journey.Coglinescowled his disapproval, but said nothing, his head lowered in unyielding concentration on his plate.When dinner was finished, he rose with a sullen grunt and announced that he was going out for a smoke.He stalked through the door without a glance back at any of them and disappeared. You really mustn t mind him, Kimber Boh apologized, rising to clear the dishes from the table. He isvery gentle and sweet, but he has lived alone for so many years that he finds it difficult to be comfortablewith other people.Smiling, she removed the dishes from the table and returned with a container of burgundy-colored wine.Pouring a small amount into fresh glasses, she resumed her seat across from them.As they sipped at thewine and chatted amiably, Brin found herself wondering as she had wondered on and off from the firstmoment that she had laid eyes on the girl how it was that she and the old man had managed to survivealone in this wilderness.Of course, there was the cat, but nevertheless. Grandfather walks every evening before dinner, Kimber Boh was relating, a reassuring look directedto the two who sat across from her. He wanders about the valley a good deal when the late fall comes.All of our work is done for the year, and when winter comes he will not go out as much.His body hurtshim sometimes in the cold weather, and he prefers the fire.But now, while the nights are still warm, helikes to walk. Kimber, where are your parents? Brin asked, unable to help herself. Why are you here all alone? My parents were killed, the girl explained matter-of-factly. I was just a child when Cogline found me,hidden in some bedding where the caravan had camped that last night at the north edge of the valley.Hebrought me to his home and raised me as his granddaughter. She leaned forward. He has never had afamily of his own, you see.I m all he has. How were your parents killed? Rone wanted to know, seeing that the girl did not mind speaking of it. Gnome raiders.Several families were traveling in the caravan; everyone was killed except me.Theymissed me, Cogline says. She smiled. But that s been a long time ago.Rone sipped at his wine. Kind of dangerous here for you, isn t it?She looked puzzled. Dangerous? Sure.Wilderness all around, wild animals, raiders-whatever.Aren t you a little afraid sometimes livingalone out here?She cocked her head slightly. Do you think I should be?The highlander glanced at Brin. Well.I don t know.She stood up. Watch this.Almost faster than his eye could follow, the girl had a long knife in her hand, whipping it past his head, Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlflinging it the length of the room.It buried itself with a thud in a tiny black circle drawn on a timber in thefar corner.Kimber Boh grinned. I practice that all the time.I learned to throw the knife by the time I was ten.Cogline taught me.I am just as good with almost any other weapon you might care to name.I can runfaster than anything that lives in Darklin Reach-except for Whisper.I can walk all day and all nightwithout sleeping.She sat down again [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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