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.It can be about any topic;" usually contains factual information about the topic, but also givesthe opinions of the writer and even other people;" should be interesting/useful, as the reader has no obligation tokeep reading;" can have a number of different purposes (to inform, entertain,advise etc.);" can use a formal, neutral or informal style, depending on where itwill be published and who will read it.approach systematic do your utmostsocialize keep at(1) Make sure you have an eye-catching titlethat also gives information about the topic.So many English Words!When you re learning English, how can you possiblyremember every word you come across? You can t, but here(2) Get theare some suggestions to help you acquire the vocabularyreader syou need.attention byhaving an1158 Firstly, outside school, only learn what s useful.Everyoneinterestingfirstknows how it feels to be chatting in English and suddenlysentence orrealize you re missing a really important word.In my view,introductionone great idea is to use a notebook or an app on your phoneparagraph.to jot down such words in your own language.Then, later,look them up in English and record them in a personalvocabulary book.When reading, you should take a similarapproach.Look up words, but again, only record what youthink will come in handy later.There s no point learninghigh-level or specialized vocabulary you ll never need again.Another important thing is to be systematic.Decide howyou re going to record words by topic, by date, or maybejust alphabetically.By all means use more than one method,but be organized.But to remember words, revision is the answer.Why notcreate a numbered card filing system with ten words or soand their translations on each card.You carry one card withyou every day, and test yourself to see if you know the itemson it, and try to use them in conversations too! The next Talk to theday, you study a different card, and so on.But you need toreader directlyreturn to each card regularly, and revise until you know allby using thethe words on it.pronoun you whereappropriate,Above all, never forget that practice makes perfect.So,and by using thedo your utmost to write and speak English regularly.Visitimperative forinternet chat rooms, socialize with people who can speakgiving adviceetc.This helps toEnglish, or, best of all, find a job where you ll speak Englishkeep the readersometimes.interested.Finally, never give up! The more words you know, the easierit is to remember new ones.So get organized, keep at it,and before long you ll be communicating like a native!Where are articles normally published? Articles & in a magazine, newspaperor journal, or on a website such as a blogHow can we decide whether to write an article in a formal, neutral orinformal style? We & by thinking about whereit will be published and who will read itWhy should we try to make an article interesting to read?We & because the readerhas no obligation to keep readingWhat should we put at the start of an article? At the start & , we shouldput an eye-catching title and aninteresting first sentence or introduction paragraph1159 Why is it a good idea to use the pronoun you where appropriate?It s & because it helps to keep the reader interestedalight fire brigadeIf a barbecue fire got out of control and set some trees alight, whichemergency service would you call? If & , I d call the fire brigadeSometimes in a bus we see a notice saying Please do not alight until thebus stops
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