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. Don t feel that way, Rory.Shayla s perfect for you.She ll be back.You ll see, and allwill be well.The Creator is never wrong. She hugged him again and then stood up. I ve gotto go talk with Nikolai. Tell the bloodsucker I said hello, and that if he doesn t treat you right, my pack and Iwill play a little game of  hunt the vampire.  Rory. What? he asked innocently. Doesn t he suck blood?Shannon just shook her head and walked to where her truck was parked.As sheclimbed inside, Rory called out,  Maybe the bloodsucker can talk you into buying a newtruck.Her laughter rang out as she backed out of the driveway.With one last wave, she droveoff down the street.Rory watched her leave with a heavy heart.Shannon had always been more like hisdaughter than his younger sister.Now he was no longer going to be the most important manin her life.She d have someone else to turn to.Someone else to run to when she was introuble.It was hard letting her go, but he knew he had to do it.His little bit had a mate ofher own now, but she d always love her big brother.He consoled himself with that thought. 122 Zena WynnChapter Thirteen As Shannon drove back toward Refuge, she reached deep inside herself to the place inher psyche where she was linked with Nikolai and did something she d never done before.She called out to him. Nikolai.She felt his surprise and then his pleasure a second before the warmth of his presenceengulfed her.So strong was his presence that she felt goose bumps rise on her body and shehad to force herself to concentrate on her driving, lest she kill herself and all this be fornaught. Yes, my love.To what do I owe this pleasure? Whatever you want, it is yours for theasking. Brave words to give to any woman.What if I want something you don t want togive? For the joy you give to me by reaching out to me heart to heart, in the manner ofchosen mates, anything I have is yours for the giving. I need to see you, as soon as possible.I have something to tell you.And don t read mymind and spoil my surprise.Wait until you see me and let me tell you face-to-face. Where are you now? I m on my way back to Refuge.I should be there in another half an hour. Meet me in the clearing. He sent her a mental image so she d know which one. I know the place.See you soon.Though he stayed silent, she was aware that Nikolai remained linked with her.Shecouldn t wait to be with him.For a second she worried, wondering if she was doing the rightthing.Then she pushed her worries aside.This was the only way.It had to be done.If she Nikolai s Wolf 123didn t have faith in Nikolai s ability to dominate and be stronger than her wolf, then shedidn t need to be with him.If he couldn t dominate her wolf, then he wasn t worthy of beingher mate.When she got to the house, she got out of the truck and stripped.This close to the fullmoon, it was always dicey calling on her wolf, but she did it anyway.She shifted and ran tothe clearing where Nikolai was already waiting.When she saw him, she shifted back into her human form and ran into his arms.Shannon ground her mouth against his and thrust her tongue into his mouth, the intensity ofher passion causing her to lose all sense of self.She rubbed herself against his erection andtried to climb his body. Make love to me, she commanded, unwilling to separate her mouthfrom his, even to speak.Nikolai grabbed her by her hips and lifted her body so that she could wrap her legsaround his waist.Suddenly, they were skin to skin as his clothes disappeared, and hiserection prodded her opening. Please, she whimpered, trying to impale herself on his shaft.She held on to him tightly as he sank to his knees, cupped her hips in his hands, andpulled down as he thrust up, embedding himself deeply.He immediately began a drivingrhythm, shafting her deeply with each thrust.Shannon kissed her way down to his throatand then bit him hard, causing him to cry out and his fangs to explode in his mouth. Bite me, she demanded and then fell back, trusting him to catch her.Nikolai caught her by the waist and lowered her back to the ground, still thrustingdeep, his gaze focused on her quivering breasts.Shannon brought her hands up and cuppedthem in an offering to him. Bite me, she begged,  please bite me.Nikolai s eyes blazed red just before he surged forward and locked his mouth aroundher nipple.His fangs sliced into her body, and he began to draw deeply, sucking her bloodand her nipple at the same time.The pace of his thrusts increased until he wasjackhammering into her and her body convulsed around him, the dual pleasure of his cockand his feeding too much for her to bear.He withdrew his fangs and licked the wound closed as his body shook in theunmistakable sign of orgasm.When the last tremor left his body, he slumped on top of her.Shannon smiled as she held him, his size restricting her ability to breathe properly, butshe didn t care.She was too euphoric at being able to reduce her big, strong vampire to thisquivering mass of weakness. I heard that, he said and rolled so that Shannon lay on his chest and he on the hardground.Shannon giggled, something only he had the power to make her do. If you don t likewhat you hear, stay out of my head. 124 Zena Wynn Never.Your vampire, hmm? Does this mean what I think it does? Nikolai asked as hestroked her back.Shannon pushed up off his chest and straddled his body.Reaching her hand betweenher legs, she opened the folds of her sex and settled on top of Nikolai s semierect cock.As themoisture from her sheath lubricated his shaft, she slid back and forth, tilting her pelvis at theend of each glide so that the head of his penis rubbed against her clit. Yes, my vampire.I vedecided to claim you, but there s something you have to do first. What might that be? Nikolai asked through gritted teeth.Shannon reached down and grabbed hold of his rapidly hardening penis, lifted it, andimpaled herself, almost within the same motion.Slowly, she began to ride him.Lost in thepleasure of his body, she took her time answering. Shannon? Yes, love? She lowered her head to his chest and began to nibble delicately at hisnipple.Her action caused her hips to rise until only the tip of his penis remained embeddedinside.She moaned and dug her nails into his side as this position caused his cock to rubagainst the G-spot located on the front wall of her vagina.Nikolai reached up and dug his fingers into her hips, trying to force her to take more ofhim. Answer the question.What do you need me to do?Shannon called on her power and allowed her fangs to grow. Fight me, sheresponded, right before she sank her fangs into his chest, marking him as her mate [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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