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.Why was he doing this to her?Sway gave her a parting, sympathetic look that only added to her discomfort.Zarina stepped forward and patted her shoulder reassuringly."Don't worry aboutIrn.Devyn can handle him."When the two of them were alone again, Devyn motioned for her to retake Sway'schair."All right," he said sternly, like a parent talking to a child."Why is this guy afteryou?"Frustration tore through her.She rubbed her hands down the armrests, her heartpounding."I don't know.I wish I did.I've done nothing to him.Ever.I, uh, I ""Okay," Devyn said, interrupting her.He laid his hands over hers to keep herfrom clawing the upholstery."Don't get so upset.There are a lot of weirdos outthere.We'll just have to keep a closer guard in the future."Alix nodded, her stomach burning.Once more, she felt as though the room wereshrinking, as if she couldn't breathe.Why couldn't she just have her freedom?Was that so much to ask?"Where are we stopping to meet your parents?"Devyn frowned."Phrixus.Why?"She nodded, her heart tearing into small pieces at the mere thought of what shehad to do."I'll get off there.This time of year there should be several shipslooking for help.""Alix "aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r r"Look," she said, placing her hand on his forearm to cut him off.She tried not tothink about the muscles that corded underneath her fingertips and sent a chill upher arm."I appreciate what you've done for me, but I can't put you and Sway inany more danger.What you do is risky enough without you keeping me on boardknowing someone is out there trying to capture me and doesn't mind killing youin the process."His stare bored into her."What if I said I didn't want you to leave?"Tears gathered in her eyes.Alix looked up at the ceiling overhead, forcing heremotions back into restraint.She had waited her entire life to hear someone saythat and never in her most vivid dream had she ever hoped for it to come from aman like Devyn Kell.But it couldn't be.Her past would never allow her the fairy-tale ending she wanted.Meeting his gaze, she sighed."What's the point, Devyn? We both know I'm notthe type of woman you want or need."He cupped her face in the palm of his hands.Dark torment filled his eyes.Hestroked her cheeks with his thumbs, his touch burning her, sending wave afterwave of desire through her."It's been so long since I've wanted anyone aroundme," he said, his voice a ragged whisper."Then you appear one day out ofnowhere, and now all I can think of is you."His words tore through her, shattering every barrier she'd ever constructed.No!She couldn't let this happen.She lived in the world of reality, not the make-believe, perfect sunshine of childhood fantasies."You don't need me," she insisted.A sad smile curved his lips, tugging even more forcibly at her heart."That's what I keep trying to tell myself," he said."But as soon as I see you, Iforget every reason my mind comes up with that tells me why I can't have you."She covered his hands with hers and forced herself not to give in to the pleadingin his eyes, the warmth of his touch."There's so much about me that you don'tknow.That you don't want to know."He shook his head."No.I want to know everything about you."Alix clenched her jaw, making herself not cry.She pulled away from him, hopinga little distance would rectify the damage already done to her defenses, knowingnothing would ever repair the damage done to her heart."I can't stay," shewhispered, and left the room.Devyn watched her leave, his heart splintering.Like her, he knew all the reasonsaaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rwhy the two of them should go their separate ways, yet inside he knew he couldn'tstand letting her go.The door opened.He spun around, hoping it was Alixreturning.Instead, Sway came forward and took his chair."Did you find out anything?"Devyn shook his head and forced himself not to think about his feelings.He stillhad a little while left to try to convince Alix to stay."Irn was her father'snavigator, but she has no idea why he's after her.""And you believe her?""I guess so," Devyn said."Why would she lie?"Sway shook his head and sighed.He glanced out the window."Are they followingus?"Devyn lifted a surprised brow.He hadn't dared tell Alix about the tiny blips ontheir scanner that signified the pirates."How'd you know?"Sway smiled."If they've gone to this much trouble, it would only seem naturalthey'd continue after her." He pulled up the blips and made a few calculations."So what's she planning to do?"Devyn sighed, his stomach churning."Get off at the next stop.""Are you going to let her do that?"Devyn stared at him, wondering how Sway knew about his feelings for theirengineer."C'mon, Dev.I'd have to be blind not to notice the way you look at her like you'rea starving man and she's a nine-course meal." He looked back at the scanner."About time, too, I might add.""What do you mean?"Sway looked back at him and took a deep breath."I know we've always had anunspoken understanding not to meddle in each other's personal stuff, but I oweyou one meddling.And right now, I'd like to know when you're going to let go ofthe past and start living again."Devyn stiffened."I am living.""Vriska.You're still trying to prove to the universe that you've earned the right tolive.Your whole life you have felt guilty for having so much.I know you too well,Dev, so don't try to deny it."aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rAnger clouded Devyn's sight."You don't know what you're talking about.""Yes, I do."Devyn glared at him."All right," Sway said, throwing his arms wide."If I'm wrong, then tell me whyyou're so maniacal about running these missions? Why have we been risking ourasses for the last three years?"Devyn clenched his jaw as a wave of pain and raw fury tore through him, almostdriving him to attack his best friend."You know why.""Oh, yeah," he said, then sneered."Onone."Devyn's anger intensified and all the emotions he'd done his best to bury came tothe surface.It seemed no time had passed since Onone had pulled her gun outand shot him straight in the chest.Too bad her aim had been off.A little higherand she would have ended his uselessness."Look," Sway said, his voice soothing."I know she put you through hell, butyou've got to get over it.You killed her.You had no choice, you know that.So whycan't you forgive yourself and go on?"The knot in Devyn's throat closed and all the fury died, leaving him numb, empty."That's easy for you to say.You're not the one who blew a hole in her head.""She shot you first and she'd have killed you if you hadn't pulled the trigger."Maybe she should have killed him.Sway snarled."Dammit, Devyn, give me a break.Give yourself one."Devyn sat there in silence, not willing to discuss this any further.He locked hisjaw, and by the darkening scowl on Sway's face, he knew his friend realized hehad retreated into himself."Fine," Sway said, pushing himself out of his chair."Sit there and sulk.I just hopeyou realize all the supplies you run aren't going to bring back any of the lives youtook when you were in the HAWC."Sway towered over him, his entire body shaking from fury."What do you intendto do, Kell? Run supplies until the day you drop from old age? You used to wantmore than that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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