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. Talk to me, Jas.A few minutes passed, but Becca could tell asJasmine s heart rate starting returning to nor-mal by the clammy hand she d set upon herchest, and when she felt it she sighed deeplywith relief. I m here. Jasmine whispered.Together they took a few moments tobreathe, and remember that the worst of it wasnow over.The selfish part of Becca wished shecould just shut down like Jasmine did too, andnot have to deal with anything at all.But rightnow, there were police in her house and a twin196 brother to look after, and like always, that wasa responsibility she had to take. You re both very clever to have kept her talk-ing all this time. The policewoman said, gen-tly, trying her best to raise the mood. Thank you, Becca said, smiling politelyagain.She led Jasmine onto a chair slowly,without saying a word.Then, rememberingthat Harry was outside too, she reached upand felt along the top of the back door to getthe key, and allowed Harry back into thekitchen. Aw, sis. He beamed, his cheeks redden-ing. Thank god you understood my message! Iheard everything from the window.I.I msorry. I just can t believe it.Thank God theycan just take her away now, to somewhere shebelongs.But how could she?Harry looked down at the floor bash-fully. I did kind of know that there was aslight chance she d do something awful, be-cause she wasn t on her pills.Last time shewasn t on them, she did this to me. Harry197 tilted the palm of his hand and presented hisburn marks. But nothing like this.I couldn teven imagine her doing something like this.His eyes cautiously flicked over to Jasmine. Why didn t you tell me? Becca said,but then frowned at the expression.She musthave knew these things before, so she correctedherself in her mind.Why didn t he remind me? Didn t want to worry you.Before, weboth knew she was breaking down over herand Dad s divorce.Y know? In a way I don treally think her hatred was about you and Jas-mine being together- or the whole lesbianthing at all- it s just that she had other issuescrushing her and that was one way to take herfrustration out.Like Dad used to say: Miseryloves company.If she couldn t be happy, shedidn t want you to be. You do know she ll go to jail for whatshe tried to do.to my girlfriend.Don t you?Harry smiled sadly. You say that like Icare.I m more concerned about what she triedto do. You should have told me about all ofthis. Becca pouted.198  I didn t want her to hurt you, Becca.Orme.Try to understand.Becca suddenly felt ashamed when shesaw her brother s face drop and he seemedgenuinely hurt by what she said.When she gotcloser though and tried to comfort him, hegrabbed her and almost tickled her to death. Stop! Becca laughed, gasping. Allright, all right, stop!Harry laughed too, but then remem-bered Jasmine was there and she still didn tlook too good.Her face was pale and she wasstaring into space, hugging her arms tightlyaround herself.He walked over to the chairshe was sitting on, and crouched down besideher. Hello Pipsqueak. He said softly, smil-ing. You re okay now, y know.There s noth-ing to worry about anymore.Jasmine s eyes snapped to him. I really missed you, and I'm sorry foranything bad I said about you and Beansie,because you too really are an amazing couple.Jasmine shuddered. This is just all.toomuch.Right now.I m sorry.199 Becca stepped forward, and began fran-tically waving her arms. Oh, Jas? Just so youknow, that wasn t really me talking when I saidall those horrible things.Honest.I had to keepMum distracted.Harry signalled me in thegarden and- You know what, it s okay.It s cool,really, Jasmine said quickly, jumping out ofthe kitchen chair before Becca could touchher. I have to go now.As she stood up, she really wasn t surewhat to do with herself, but she knew she hadto get away from there.Could her world couldget any more sadistic? First her girlfriend smother- usually a collected member of societyand a church leader- comes at her with thedark intention to end her life.And then, thevery person she d been through so much for-Becca, her love- comes out and tells her thatshe should get a boyfriend and be happy.Words like that, especially from Becca, wouldbe the end of her one day.And even thoughBecca had just explained that it was all a diver-sion, it still would have to be a while beforeshe wanted to hear anything else Becca had tosay.She couldn t even look at her right now,200 let alone be touched by her, so she quicklyavoided Becca s advances. Must you betray mewith a kiss, Judas? - was a phrase that came tomind; one that she d learnt in Religion earlylast year.And even though it wasn t a kiss inthis case, it had the same effect.She just didn twant to be hurt anymore. Jasmine.? Becca called out. I have to go! She snapped.Tearsflooded across Jasmine s face again as she fledout of their house, and when she shut thedoor the echoes rang all the way throughBecca s heart.201 Chapter 21.And she doesn t everwant to be without her.Becca looked at her brother as he lookedaround the room and fidgeted uncomfortablyas usual.Becca had bolted for the door almostas Jasmine had closed it, but Harry grabbedher arm before she could follow her. What are you doing? I don t think it s a good idea to go afterher this soon, He said softly. Give it time. But I don t want to, She whimpered. It s not about what you want to do,Becca.Didn t you see Jasmine? Looks like youhurt her real bad.Nice one. Hey, I saved both of us! It s all yourfault anyway! I didn t tell you to make up the wholebreak up story. He shrugged [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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