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.The previous summer he had flown to Italywith his parents to meet most, but not all, of his Neapolitan kinfolk.Then he thought: Damn shame that girl had to get in be¬tween whateverhappened here, on her way, all dressed up, to a party at the Union League.And then he had another discomfiting thought: Was the nice little rich girlfrom Chestnut Hill just an innocent by¬stander? Or was she fucking around withTony the Zee?***Matt Payne pulled open the door to the stairwell and started down, taking thestairs two and three at a time.He wanted to see what had happened to Amanda Spencer, and he also desperatelyneeded to relieve his bladder.He had been startled to hear the scream of thetires on the Porsche when she had turned it around and driven off the roof.Hehad had several thoughts: that she was naturally frightened and logically wastherefore getting the hell away from the scene; then he was surprised that shecould drive the Porsche, and he modified this last thought to  drive thePage 70 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlPorsche so well when he saw her make the turn, then head down the ramp asfast as she could.Between the third and second floors he startled a very large florid-faced copwearing the white cap cover of Traffic who was leaning against thecement-block wall.The Traffic cop pushed himself off the wall to block Matt'spassage and looked as if he were about to draw his pistol. I'm a cop, Matt called. Payne, Special Operations.He fished in his pocket and came out with his badge. What the hell is going on up there? the Traffic cop asked. A couple of people got shot.With a shotgun.One is dead, and the van istaking a woman to the hospital.The Traffic cop got out of the way, and Matt ran down the stairs to groundlevel.He pushed open the door and found himself on 15th Street.Ten yardsaway, he saw the nose of his Porsche sticking out of the garage and onto thesidewalk.There were a half dozen police cars, marked and unmarked, clusteredaround the entrance and exit ramps, half up on the sidewalk.A Trafficsergeant was in the narrow street, direct¬ing traffic.When he reached the exit ramp, Amanda was talking to a man with a detective'sbadge hanging out of the breast pocket of a remarkably ugly plaid sport coat.When she saw him, Amanda walked away from the detective and up to Matt. How is she? She's alive, Matt said. They're taking her to the hos¬pital.We've got tomove the Porsche.As if on cue, the emergency patrol wagon pulled up behind the Porsche andOfficer Howard C.Sawyer impatiently sounded the horn.Matt jumped behind thewheel and pulled the Porsche out of the way, onto the sidewalk.The EPW came off the exit ramp, turned on its siren and flashing lamps, andPage 71 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwhen the Traffic sergeant, furiously blow¬ing his whistle, stopped the flow oftraffic, bounced onto 15th Street, turning left.When Matt got out of the car, the detective was waiting for him. You're the boyfriend? he asked, and then without waiting for a reply asked, You found the victim? You're a cop? That's your car?Matt looked at Amanda when the detective said the word boyfriend.Sheshrugged her shoulders and looked uncom¬fortable. My name is Payne, Matt said. Special Operations.That's my car.We saw oneof the victims on the ground when we drove onto the roof. You're Payne? The guy who blew the rapist away?Matt nodded. There's a Highway sergeant up there, Matt said. He sent me to seal thebuilding. It's been sealed, the detective said, gesturing up and down the street. I'm Joe D'Amata, Homicide, he said. You have any idea what went down? Two victims, Matt said. I found a white male with his head blown off nextto the stairwell.Looks like a shotgun. He looked at Amanda. Did MissSpencer tell you who the female is? I was about to ask her, the detective said. She's Penny Detweiler, Amanda said. You know her? You were with her?Page 72 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html We know her.We weren't with her.Or not really. What the hell does that mean? There's a dinner party.There's a wedding [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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