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.We demand apologies.We endlessly retell our side of events to others [and, worse still, to ourselves]. Blah, blah,blah, and then I sez.This waste of time is cured in two ways: First, look for someone who has totally lost hischance in life because he has this vice.If there is no such a person known to youpersonally, check out the Internet.Second, observe how many times during the day youstart rehashing - in your head or to others - some old event.This habit keeps the Satanist from succeeding at the four paths of power in the world:networking, forming partnerships, marriage, and entering a school.(4) Refusal to LearnSatanists are aware, and are made aware by the vast stupidity in the world, that theyare smarter than 99% of everyone around them.This is because of the great hubris of theSatanist; he is actually only smarter than 90% of those around him.This knowledge leads to a tendency to think that there is nothing to be learned.Hencethe Satanist will miss out on both the fun of learning and the power to be gained.Whenyou are learning something new, your brain is busy growing new nerve connections; youare  deepening the hardware. - 32 -A refusal to learn is countered simply by behavioral techniques.The Satanist giveshimself things to learn (say German language), and then a reward if he does well (say a tripto Berlin).But after all this is hard work and will not be tried by people who would rathersit in their dingy little apartments and dream that they are gods.(5) Belief in the Weakness of OthersThis comes from the sadly-unquestioned view of being better than anyone else around.It has two different manifestations, and both are deadly for the Satanist.The first iscompassion, and the second invulnerability.Each has a big pricetag.The Satanist, feeling that he is better than anyone around, begins to believe that he canhelp his friends and family by all sorts of enabling behaviors.Instead of providing toughlove, he never lets them develop because, after all, he is stronger than them.This syndrome has the effect of making the Satanist lead his whole life in false serviceto others.Not only has he kept them alcoholics and so forth; he has never performed thenecessary Satanic task of meeting better people.The flip side of this is believing that others are weak and without resources, and livingyour life in such a manner to fill it with enemies and rivals.The in-your-face attitude ofsome immature Satanists lasts until an angry bum puts a glass bottle in their face.Both of these attitudes lead to a taxing of inner resources and an overdevelopment ofcharacter armor.Ultimately they isolate the Satanist from the finer feelings of life.Both are cured by learning the art of appreciation.Learn to see the strength in others.Do this for reasons of the most selfish and resourceful kind -  Gee, I wonder how I canuse Bill? - and for learning how to better your own lot:  Wow, Sue not only got awayfrom the bad marriage; she s become a great painter.How did she do that? How can I?(6) RigidityRigidity is a primitive coping mechanism.Some people develop it because they arebrought up in bad environments, others because they have indulged in the weaknesseslisted above.The signs are the same: can t laugh, can t joke, can t forgive, can t apologize,can t let go.The effect of rigidity, in addition to body stress and not-very-good sex, is misery.Perhaps you have seen the rather pitiful example of the Satanist whose facial musculaturehas changed because he scowls so much.Rigidity of being is fine for soldiers and slaves, but not for generals and masters.Thecures are listed in this paragraph, but I ll make them more explicit: Learn how to laugh, tojoke, to forgive, to apologize, and to let things go.Without these tools you will defend yourerrors rather than plot your victories.The Satanist almost always begins his career with an overly-dreamy, emotionally-arrested personality.This would spell failure and unhappiness for most people trying todeal with the onslaught of the world.Certainly it makes for bad relationships, drinking, andbitterness.But for those who would be wise, this is a great opportunity.They can chooseconsciously what things to build and put in the personality.They can build a new self, sincethe old wasn t finished on time.This aspect of Satanism is only now beginning to beexplored, but holds the greatest key for the future.Look upon what is already in the developmental code.Then work to make it work foryou.As you do this, the code itself will change.This is an exact parallel to how workingwith  elements improves both them and your impression, and how Set opens the mouthsof the gods.It is because of that possibility of improving the developmental code that wedate our Æon from the founding of the Church of Satan. - 33 -________________________Essay Six: Egyptian ThinkingThis essay is about the Temple of Set s use of Egypt [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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