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.The Multiplication or Increase of the Vertue and Goodness of the aforesaid White and Red Stones.If you list to exalt your Medicine or Stone in quantity or goodness, then put your aforesaid white or red Stone, orpart of each into a several Vyol of Glass fit for the quantity, close well the Viol, then hang up your Glass or Glassesin Balneo Mariae vaporoso so that it touch not the Water, in this warm fume or breath, the Stone which wascongealed before in the Glass will now be dissolved, which then congeal again upon warm Ashes, and again thusdissolve and congeal, and so iterate this work of dissolution and congelation until at last the Stone within the Glassdissolved will be congealed, as soon as he cometh out of the Pot or Balneo, and feeleth the cold Air, without anyother manner of Congelation to be used, and note that how often in this work you do dissolve and congeal your saidMedicine or Stone, so many times doth he increase his Virtue ten times in projection, so that if at the first one ouncewill convert 100 ounces, after the second Solution, the same one shall convert 1000, after the third 10000, after thefourth time 100000, and after the fifth 1000000 parts of any imperfect Metal into pure and true Gold and Silver in allExaminations as any of the Natural Mine.The way of Projection.Because it is very combersom to melt a thousand thousand parts of any Body, when you will make Projection thusdo.Take 100 ounces of Mercury first washed with Salt, and Vineger, and put it into a Crucible, and set it over theFire, and when that doth begin to Wax hot, put in one ounce of your Elixir or Medicine thus prepared as afore taughtyou, upon that hundred parts of the cleansed Mercury, and all the said Mercury shall become Medicine, project, oneounce of that Medicine upon another 100 ounces, of other washed Mercury, and it shall all also be converted intoMedicine, again the 3 time project one ounce of this congealed Mercury, upon another 100 ounces of washedMercury, and all shall be converted into Medicine, then project, the 4th time 1 ounce of this, last congealedMercury, upon another 100 ounces of other washed Mercury, and all that shall be converted into Gold or Silver,according as your Stone was prepared, to the white or red, praised be God.Accurtation of the great Work which saved half the Work and Labour in the Work revealed by Sr.George Ripley.The white Frosty Ryme or Powder whereof I told you in the beginning, being found in the Neck of the Retort, afterthe drawing of the Menstrue is like Sublimate, and is perfect Sulphur of Nature, and therefore needeth neitherPutrifaction nor Digestion unto white, of this Sulphur take either the half, or the whole if you list, and also take somuch of the Lune Ferment, when it is Firment of Ferments as may contain the 4th part of the said Sulphur, seal themup both together in a Chemia and fix them together under the Fire in a fixatory Vessel, which will be well done inthree days, and when they are become one very fine White Powder, then Incerate, that is to say, Imbibe it with theWhite Oyl of our Stone, which is our Mercury, congealed, and imbibe and iterate this Work, and in all points do asyou did in the White Work, in the great Elixir before, for this Sulphur is of the same Nature, and thus shall you havethe white Work perfectly made, and the Stone in half the time, and with half the Labour; which is not only aprecious Jewel, but a great secret also.The like Accurtation of the Red-work done by the aforesaid Sulphur. Take either the one half or the whole of this abovesaid Sulphur of Nature, and dissolve it once with our red Mercurycongeal it again, and then Seal it up in Chymea and set it in Cinerition (or Ashes) till it be thoroughly digested, anduntil it hath put on his Purple Colour or Fiery Chariot, then put thereunto so much of the Ferment of Soll, when it isFerment of Ferments, as may contain the 4th part of the said Sulphur, then fix them together under a Fire in afixatory Vessel, which will be well done in 3 days, and when they be become one very fine Red Powder, thenIncerate, that is, Imbibe it with the red Oyl of our Stone, which is our red Mercury and red Lunary, and Fire of theStone, and continue in doing in all points as in the great Work aforesaid until the Stone be hard, transparent inColour like a Ruby or Jacinth flowing in Fire, and not evaporating, then have you with less Labour and Expense oftime the perfect Red-Stone for the which thank God.This is the pleasant and dainty Garden of the Philosophers, which beareth the sweet smelling Roses white and red,abbreviated out of all the Work of the Philosophers, containing in it nothing superfluous or diminished, teaching tomake infinitely Gold or Silver according as the Medicine was prepared, having Vertue to heal also all Griefs andSicknesses as well proceeding of cold as of hot Causes through the subtilty of his Nature, above all other Medicinesof Physitians, for it comforteth the Healthy, strengthneth the weak, and maketh the Aged seem Young, and drivethaway all Grief, and putteth venom from the Heart, it moysteth the Arteries and joynts it dissolveth all things in theLungs, it cleanseth the Blood, it purgeth the Pipes, and keepeth them clean, and if the Sickness be of one Monthscontinuance, it healeth it in one day, if of one Years continuance, it healeth it in 12 days, and if the grief be very old,it healeth in one Month.To conclude, whosoever hath this Medicine, he hath an incomparable Medicine above allTreasures of the World, Praise God.A short work of George Ripley'A short Worke That beareth the Name [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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